Events that lead up to WWII

  • Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi's.

    By 1921, he was leader of the ‘National Socialist German Workers, or Nazi, party and worked against the Wiemar government.
  • Stalin is Appointed as General Secretary.

    The Soviet Communist Party appoints Josef Stalin as General Secretary. (It is important to know for later on that at the height of WWII, Stalin and the Soviets become part of the Allied forces.)
  • Benito becomes Prime minister of Italy

    The Fascists party of Italy take control, they appoint Benito Mussolini as its prime minister.
  • Treaty of Berlin

    The Soviet Union and Germany sign the Treaty of Berlin, which allow either country to remain neutral if one or the other is attacked by another country.
  • Assassination of Warlord Zhang Zuolin

    Japanese assassins cause the death of Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin during something called ¨the Huanggutun Incident.¨ This increased tensions between China and Japan.
  • Stock Market on Wall Street Crashes

    This lead to a worldwide recession. aggressive countries who began looking to resolve their economic problems by the conquest of new territories and their natural resources
  • Hitler is appointed as chancellor

    On this day in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany.
  • Nazi Book Burning Takes Place.

    Students from university towns marched with torches with the intent of burning “un-German books”. More than 25,000 volumes of books that were considered ¨un-German¨ were burned.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations

    Germany finally leaves the League of Nations, which leads to EXTREME tension.
  • Signing the German Non Aggression Pact

    Poland and Germany agree to sign the ten year German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact. The pact allowed Germany to maintain an eastern border. Five years after signing the pact, Germany invades Poland without much resistance.
  • The Axis Powers is formed

    The Axis Powers or Axis Alliance is finally formed. Germany signs a treaty with Italy and Japan. The alliance would later be the main antagonists (for lack of better word.) during WWII.
  • Hitler Youth

    The Hitler Youth expanded to 5 million members. It is made mandatory for boys between the age of 10-18 to join.
  • Austria is annexed

    Nazi Germany completes the annexation of Austria. Austria was the first country to be annexed by Hitler’s Germany.
  • Attack on the Jewish people

    On November 9 and 10, 1938, Hitler used a minor incident as an excuse to stage an attack on all Jews.On the night known as kristallnacht, Jewish communities were attacked all over Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia.
    Hitler and his henchmen began making plans a “Final solution” in which all Jews would be exterminated.