Events That Lead up to The Civil War

  • Pennsylvania Society for abolition of slavery

    Pennsylvania Society for abolition of slavery
    This was the first american abolition society. Benjamin Franklin was elected the organization president and he petitioned the Congress in 1790's to ban slavery. This was an obvious factor that ties into the civil war with this group of people who wanted to get rid of slavery. While on the other hand many still want slavery to remain.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence clearly states that "All men are created equal" However, slaves- who are also people- only count as a third of a white man. Though these are two completely different events and the civil war happens almost a hundred years later, the wording of this document sets up a platform for the argument of the free states.
  • Vermont Oulaws slavery

    Vermont Oulaws slavery
    Vermont was the first state that abolished slavery in the United States. The abolitionist were part of this war as much as the other side. This definitely added to the heat going on in the country
  • Massachusetts Outlaws Slavery

    Similarly to Vermont, Massachusetts was one of the first states to abolish slavery. This doesn't directly effect the south, but since slavery was a big portion of the Civil War, this event was important
  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    Three-Fifths Compromise
    The compromise meant that white men were worth more than a black slave in terms of population. This only shows the viewpoints of the people at the time and also ties into the issue of slavery that helped kindle the Civil War
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This established a government for the Northwest Territory outlined the process for admitting a new state to the union. There is a part in this document that states that slavery is illegal which did not please the southern side of this argument.
  • Kentucky Becomes a Slave State

    Kentucky had already announced its neutrality at the beginning of the war. However this soon changes because it becomes the first new slave state
  • Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin

    The invention of the cotton gin was a huge advance. This allowed them to produce cotton twice as face as they could with the slaves. This contributed to the civil war because of the lack of slave labour that went into this project
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    These resolutions were political statements in 1798 and 1799 that declared the Alien and Sedition Acts. These documents embodied states rights and further pushed the argument that each state has the right to decide whether it holds slavery or not.
  • Gabriel Plot

    Gabriel Plot
    This was a planned slave revolt led by an intelligent blacksmith named Gabriel Prosser. This definitely ties into the civil war because after this, it lead many others to revolt. Twenty five of the followers were hung as punishment
  • Ohio enters the union

    Ohio enters as a free state. This puts the two sides in deeper turmoil.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Overall, this was a good decision on the side of the united states, however,his caused a lot of debate over whether it would be a slave territory or not.
  • Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves

    Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves
    A federal law that stated that no new slaves were permitted to be imported into the US. This was obviously a hinderance to the southern states who relied on slavery to keep their economy afloat.
  • Hartford Convention

    A series of Meeting that discusses the war of 1812. During the convention, the removal of the three-fifths compromise was discussed. It seemed as this only pushed the idea of southern secession.
  • The Act of 1820

    The Act of 1820
    Congress rules the slave trade as piracy- the slave trade was now looked at as one of the most vile crimes. Now that Congress had ruled it as such, the south was unhappy.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    This was a two Part compromise organized by congress, that granted Missouri's request to enter the union as a slave state but in compromise main entered as a free state. As most of these are, the root of this compromise is slavery. This was adding another slave state and another free state to the mix
  • Vesey Plot

    Vesey Plot
    Denmark Vesey, a free black carpenter who organized free blacks who were angry about the decision to surpess their african church.his resulted in their plans being uncovered and Vesey and five other slaves were judged and sentenced to be hung. An additional 30 followers were killed after that. Obviously slave revolts played a factor in the start of the civil war. These just made southerners tighten their grips on them further
  • Andrew Jackson Elected as president

    Andrew Jackson Elected as president
    Andre Jackson's election caused some unsettlement with the free states as he was a slave owner. However, he was popular with the people, and many were happy with this decision
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    Harriette Tubman began to help slaves escape via the underground railroad. This kindled the start of the civil war, once again, because of the issue slavery. It also sparked things like The Fugative Slave act, which plays a big part in the events to come.
  • The Liberator published

    The Liberator published
    Abolitionist William Lloyd garrison published his newspaper The Liberator. This was strictly and anti-slavery newspaper. This was very controversial because he slammed documents such as The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Many people were angered by thing
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turners Rebellion
    A rebellion that was led by a virginian slave in August. 55 to 65 people were killed. This was one of the major events that led Virginia to secede. It also worried the slave owners and forced them to tighten their grips on their slaves.
  • American and Foreign Anti Slavery society

    This was an abolitionist society formed by William Lloyed Garrison, Arthur Tappan. Frederick Douglass was a key leader of the society.This also involved Britain on the subject of slavery in the United States
  • Prigg vs Pennsylvania

    . It was said that the Fugitive slave act prevented a law in Pennsylvania. This sparked more turmoil between the two sides, as many viewed it as an infringement on states rights
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    This was the incorporation of Texas into The United States. Similar to the Louisiana purchase, this caused argument between the states as to whether the area would be free or not.
  • Mexican War Begins

    The Mexican war was a war that was basically fought over slavery. It was basically determining whether the the future states would be free states or slave states
  • Wilmot Proviso

    This was designed to eliminate slavery in the land gained as a result of the Mexican war. If it had been passes, It would have outlawed slavery which would have upset many, but please the other.
  • Iowa enters the Union

    Iowa enters as a free state- which only kindled the debate more.
  • Lewis Cass on States Rights

    Lewis Cass says to congress that the states should be allowed to decide whether the region will allow or ban slavery. The debate over the states rights to slavery was a major thing that led to the civil war. the southern states obviously liked this idea and at the time it seemed like an easy
  • Mexican War ended

    While they were granted more territory, there was more dispute over it
  • Free Soil Party Created

    Free Soil Party Created
    antislavery members of the whig and liberty parties join to form this party which opposed the expansion slavery. Obviously this would be a problem for those who didn't oppose it.
  • Compromise of 1850

    A series of fie bills which defused a four-year confrontation between slave states and free states regarding the status of territories gained during the Mexican war.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin is Published

    Uncle Toms Cabin is Published
    This Novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe created a new wave of anti-slavery sentiments. Many say that it "layed the groundwork for the civil war" This book was so important because it was what so many Americans didn't want to hear
  • The Anti-Nebraska Movement

    this was a political alignment in the United States formed in opposition to the Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854, and its repeal of the Missouri compromise provision forbidding slavery in United States north of Latitude 36 degrees North
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    This act outraged the North because it made slavery possible for states Kansas and Nebraska
  • Ostend Manifesto

    a document written that described why the United States to purchase cuba from spain while implying that the united states should declare war if spain refused
  • Bleeding Kansas

    a series of violent confrontations involving Free States and the southerners over the Kansas- Nebraska act. Further sending the two sides relationships down.
  • Caning of Charles Summer

    Caning of Charles Summer
    Preston Brooks attacked Summer, an abolitionist. It nearly killed him and it drew a response from the American public on the subject of slavery.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave who lived in a free state. Despite this factor, the court ruled that he was still not entitled to freedom. This caused a huge debate on whether this was just or not.
  • Lecompton Constitution

    the second proposed constitution for the state of Kansas. It was written in response to the anti slavery position of 1857. As usual, slavery played a big role in as to how this contributed to the civil war.
  • Lincoln Douglass Debate

    Lincoln Douglass Debate
    a series of debates between Lincoln and Doulgas. This created a lot of conversation on both sides at the statements said during this debate.
  • The Raid of Harpers Ferry

    The Raid of Harpers Ferry
    The raid was lead by John Brown, and it was an armed slave revolt. This frightened many slave owners, only adding more pressure to the debate of slavery.
  • John Brown Trial and Execution

    John Brown Trial and Execution
    John Brown was executed which caused a lot of unrest within the northern states as well as the abolitionists
  • James Buchanan as President

    James Buchanan as President
    He tried to maintain a balance between the two sides but ultimately failed. Buchanan morally opposed slavery, but stated that the Constitution protected that right. Buchanan had an effect on most events leading up to war, as he was the president.
  • Lincoln Asserts Prerogative on slavery

    in a speech delivered in new york, Lincoln states that the government has the power to halt the spread of slavery. Many felt victimized and that he was blaming them, only adding to their distaste for him.
  • Corwin Amendment

    a explanitory amendemnemt with regard to slavery. It was a final attempt from the Union to make the border state remain part of the union, which did not work.
  • The Election of Abraham Lincoln

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln
    The election of Abraham Lincoln cause an even deeper riff between the already fighting north and south. Many southerners were scared that his election would mean the slaves would be freed
  • The Crittenden Compromise

    offered to congress as one of the last efforts to resolve in secession crisis. At this point, everybody is trying to scrap together what they can of their country. However nothing is working.
  • Southern Succession

    Southern Succession
    Eleven states announced their succession and became the Confederate States of America. This was the big cause of the civil war. this is what officially divided the states.
  • Texas Secedes

    The succession of Texas was the last.
  • The Battle of Fort Sumpter

    The Battle of Fort Sumpter
    This was the first battle of the american civil war