Events In History Timeline

By NickM.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Age of Exploration

    Europeans wanted to look for new lands and beginnings all over the world.
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    Social Reforms

    In the late 1700s till the early 1900s, tons of people were not happy with the current laws and the ways people were being treated. So they started movements that changed some laws. Some of these movements were, education, slavery, child labor, organized labor, environment, prisons and asylums, and temperance. Most where for the better and helped america a lot
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    10 Amendments America´s Declaration of Independence War

    In the late 1700s a better change for the country in laws had come. Some things like the 10 amendments, stamp act, and more. Also like the outrageous act like the tea party. With these new laws, some people weren't as happy as others. This lead to multiple of different wars such as the America Civil War. The Declaration was first introduce in July 2nd 1776 and published in August 2nd 1776
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    People coming from all around the world to start a new life in America. Basing from around 1850 to 2000 was when tons of immigrants from many different countries traveled to America to start their new life and be able to work for more money. With some challenges the immigrants worked hard to live a successful life in America.