Evaluating Decisions

By Cal823
  • Decision 1

    Someone I know decided to receive back surgery. It ended up being very successful and he has had very little back pain compared to the excruciating pain that he felt before the surgery. He thought about the decision by himself for some time, and then discussed the decision with his family. In the end, he made the correct decision to get the surgery and now lives a virtually pain free life.
  • After the decision

    After the decision has been made and acted upon, you must go back and evaluate the outcome and the process of said decision
    (Textbook 10)
  • Insight

    Through evaluating the decision, you should have an insight of the process and outcome (Textbook 10). Insight is a deep and thorough understanding of, in this case, a decision.
  • Appraise

    While evaluating the decision, you also might want to step back and appraise the decision (Textbook 11). To appraise something means that you assess the value or quality of something.
  • Decision 2

    After a football accident where I tore all of the tendons in my thumb, my thumb was stuck at almost a 90 degree angle backwards. I could have got surgery on it to correct it but I decided not to. This is because I did not want my parents to have to pay for it, since it is painless. Since there is no pain I really did not need it corrected, so it was an easy decision. Looking back it was the right decision because it doesn't hurt and King of looks cool.