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    The Roman Empire becomes the greatest Empire in the world

    The Roman Empire becomes the greatest Empire in the world
    Rome provides safety to all of the lands it controls. Famous for building roads, speaking Latin, and giving us our calendar system, and inventing concrete and aqueducts.
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    The Fall Of Rome

    The Fall Of Rome
    It happened because Rome was destroyed by a germanic tribe. People did not feel safe to travel from one land to another.
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    The Catholic Church Now in Charge

    The Catholic Church Now in Charge
    There was no unity until the Catholic church stepped up, and became a strong political force. If you disagree with them you disagree with God. Hell was used as a fear mechanism.
  • Sep 26, 700


    Attacks by barbaric tribes like vikings caused people to build walls around their villages for protection. They had everything they needed for society to be within those walls.
  • Sep 26, 1100

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    Muslims took the Holy land so trade increased between Europeans and Asians because they felt safe to travel. This starts the Renaissance.
  • Sep 26, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    A cause of the Renaissance was the Bobanic Plague that killed 1/3 of the Europeans. People felt opless and needed to turn to a better system, then the one they had.
  • Sep 26, 1450

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    Gutenburg was from Germany and he invented the first Printing Press. This caused books to become more accessible to the common person and therefore aided in spreading education and the Renaissance movement.