European exploration

  • Oct 7, 1000

    1000 CE

    1000 CE
    A Viking named Lief Eriksson set sail to Vineland that is now called Greenland.The Vikings would go to Vineland in the spring.When they arived they saw nine people sleeping under boats and attacked them and only one survive.The surviver told his tribe and they came and atacked.That was the last time the Europeans where in America until the 1400.
  • Sep 18, 1271

    1271 CE

    1271 CE
    Marco Polo left his home to go to Asia with his father and Uncle.They were the first to know of te riches in Aisia.Marco was seventeen when he left. A few years later, after walking thousands of miles and riding cammels and horses they finally reached China.They saw Kublai Khans palace and said it was all covered in gold and silver.They also went to Persia and India.When the Polos returned home they were very rich.
  • Sep 16, 1453


    The Ottoman Turks captured the city of Constantinople and the whole Middle East.No one was able to get past and trade with the people from Europe and Asia.There were no more spices or gold or silk unless the Europeans found a different route to Asia.
  • Sep 20, 1488


    Dias became the first to sail to tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope).Dias wanted to sail to India, but there was storms and the sailors got sick so Dias sailed back.
  • Sep 20, 1492


    Martin Behaim made the first map that was round (globe).Christopher Clumbus and his crew paid Martin Behaim a total of 75 dollars to get his globe.He became very rich,but the gobe was wrong.It was wrong because Africa was the wrong shape,their was now North and South America ,and it did have Austarlia or Antartica.
  • Jul 23, 1498


    Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of Good Hope to India.When he returned home to Portugal his boat was filled with riches.Finally he found a sea route, showing the way for future explorations
  • Sep 12, 1507


    Martin Waldseemuller,a cartographer,drew America.He named the land after Amerigo Vespucci ,and Amerca was on the Map.
  • Aug 10, 1513


    Vasco Nunaz de Balbo and a group of other Explorers climbed up a mountain on the Isthums of Panama.When Balbo reached the top he discoverd a huge body of water which is now called the Pacific Ocean.He now knew that Colubus was wrong because Columbus thoght that America was Asia,but if it was Aisa there would not be water In between.
  • Apr 9, 1519


    Ferdinand Magellen,a Portugues explorer,sailed into the Atlantic Ocean with 250 men.Magellen's expedition was to find a way to reach Asia by sailing around the Americas to get goods.He kept on sailing up and down rivers to find away to get to the other side. In 1520 they finally reached the southern tip of South America.Those who where still alive started to eat sawdust, rats, and leather.In 1520 they reached the Philippines but Magellen died and 18 soilders reached Spain.
  • Mar 11, 1521


    In 5121 Cortez Conquered the Aztecs.They stole riches from them.Mexico was now ruled by Spain and Mexico became the capital of Spain's new empire.
  • Aug 10, 1533


    In 5133 Pizarro conquered the Incha's and made them their slaves.They stole riches from them and killed Atahuallpa.