Timeline background

Ernst Mach (18 Feb 1838 - 19 Feb 1916)

  • Birth

    Pojman states Ernst "Mach was born in Moravia", a region in the Czech Republic and a crown land of the Austrian Empire at the time. The region being named such due to the Morava river.
  • Mach Bands

    Mach Bands
    During this year Ernst Mach published an article on visual bands, or lines, that most see when looking at gradients with their eyes that are in fact, not actually present according to Pojman. Originally, this was assumed to be an error of the brain as the sensory parts of the body were thought to only transmit information to the brain where all the processing would occur. This shed light on the fact that sensory parts do in fact preprocess some information prior to the brains' efforts.
  • Greatest Contribution Finished

    Greatest Contribution Finished
    Pojman states "by 1885 Mach had worked out out the details of supersonic motion". While his contributions to the field of science range far and wide, this was perhaps the greatest of his discoveries. With this we have been able to understand trajectories in space and how they're affected by other physical means when entering into this realm. Knowing how a supersonic plane will travel through the air, or what will happen when a supersonic bullet strikes the water versus other materials.
  • Before Gestalt Theory

    Before Gestalt Theory
    Pojman states in 1886 Mach published his Analysis of Sensations. This touched on the fact that a melody is recognizable in different tones, keys, and by different instruments entirely, thus opening the question to how we really recognize an audible source we're perceiving. This led to the 1890 seminal article by the Austrian philosopher Christian von Ehrenfels for Gestalt Theory. Its' essential purpose was to look at brain function in psychology as a whole rather than several parts.
  • Publishing of Lecture Collection

    Publishing of Lecture Collection
    Holton mentions in 1895 a collection of Ernst Mach's most popular lectures were published in English, and a year later in German (31). This gave rise to many future philosophers and natural scientists. Some of his theories even influenced Einstein. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPEwkMHRjZU
  • Death

    Pojman states "he died near Munich" at the age of 78 during the time of the German Empire.