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Ernest Nagel (b. November 16, 1901 - d. September 20, 1985)

  • An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method

    Learning from his mentor in college, Nagel completed his publication "An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method." This publication highlights logical principles in the method that can be seen in various areas other than science. Cohen, Morris Raphael, and Ernest Nagel. An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. Simon Publications, 2002.
  • Impressions and Appraisals of Analytic Philosophy in Europe

    Nagel published this essay in the Journal of Philosophy. This essay introduced Americans to the work of philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein and Rudolf Carnap in Europe. Nagel wanted to adapt the teachings of these philosophers to fit American philosophy.
  • Logic without Ontology

    in 1944, Nagel published "Logic without Ontology." This work was able to summarize Nagels concepts of Logic and Mathematics. His ideas modeled something called logical positivism, he developed this theory while with Ludwig Wittgenstein in Europe. He is credited with bringing these ideas to America
  • Logic without Metaphysics

    Logic without Metaphysics
    Nagel used this work to illustrate how logic is interpreted. He denies the necessity of mathematical principles concerning logic. Instead, he argues that the principles must be understood according to the situation they are tested and applied to. Nagel, Ernest. Logic without Metaphysics and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science. Xerox University Microfilms, 1974.
  • The Structure of Science

    Nagel in this work examined the structure of scientific concepts. He tried to show that the same use of scientific explanations can be applied to all sciences. Nagel, Ernest. The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic Od Scientific Explanation. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961.
  • Butler Medal in Gold

    Nagel recieved the Nicholas Murray Butler Medal in Gold. He explained his view on philosophy as a reflection on the conclusion of inquires that may terminated.
  • Video Link This video is an educational source that examines Nagel's theories in depth. His ideas are well represented and are better understood after watching even a small portion of the video