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Erikson Timeline (Wyatt Hickok)

  • Stage 1- Trust Vs. Mistrust

    Stage 1- Trust Vs. Mistrust
    The first stage of Erikson's stage of development is a crucial and important stage. This happens from the ages 0-1 years old. At this stage infants learn to trust or mistrust the world and what is happening around them based on the consistency of their parents responding to their needs. In this stage I trusted the people who held me that they wouldn’t put me into harms way, and I would do so without fussing about it.
  • Stage 2- Autonomy Vs. Shame/Doubt

    Stage 2- Autonomy Vs. Shame/Doubt
    This stage typically happens from the ages 1-3 years old. This is when toddlers start pursuing their independence, as well as controlling their own bodies. This then leads to doubting or being shameful when they fail. At this stage I started walking. I was a quick learner and started roller skating at 18 months. But every time I fell, I made sure my parents were by my side to pick me back or up help if I was hurt.
  • Stage 4- Industry Vs. Inferiority

    Stage 4- Industry Vs. Inferiority
    The fourth stage of Erikson's happens from the age of 6 to 12 years of age. The kids start to develop a sense of accomplishment when they succeed, as well as competence. They start trying new sports in school as well as different social activities. I am a hockey player currently but played lots of sports through these ages, such as baseball, and soccer. Both ended up helping with my hockey skills. It was fun trying new things and seeing what I liked as well as didn't like.