Erikson's Psychosocial Stages

By John L
  • Intimacy vs isolation

    Sarah and Nick are engaged because they love each other and they felt ready for a new beginning together but now Sarah is having second thoughts about Nick being the one for her. Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between becoming emotionally close to others in committed relationships (intimacy) or keeping to oneself.
  • Industry vs inferiority

    There are two boys, Henry and Kyle who are in the same 6th grade class who both struggle with math. Henry studies hard and receives help from his parents However, Kyle's parents are uninterested in helping with math which causes Kyle to slowly give up as his grades go down. Erikson's fourth stage, Industry versus infeiority, the crisis whether having to take on anything in the world, being good enough? Henry is experiening industry with the help he gets while Kyle is experiencing inferiority.
  • Ego integrity vs despair

    Bob's last hours are filled with regrets as he is dignosed with terminal cancer. He is a very successful man when it comes to work but an awful husband after being married with the same girl for 35 years.Erikson's ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between satisfaction with one’s life despite its imperfections
    (ego integrity)and profound regret and wishing to be able to do one’s life over but recognizing it is tooo late (despair).
  • Trust vs mistrust

    Jerimiah is 16 months old. He is given the best care and love possible that a mother can give. Erikson's first stage, Trust versus mistrusts, the crisis is whether the child can trust the people around them based on if their needs are met.