Erikson’s psychosocial stages

  • Eriksons 1st stage

    Nick’s parents were ready to have a baby. Fortunately, when he was born, Nick (age 9 months old) was loved and cared for by both parents and brought up in a welcoming family.
    Erikson's first stage is described at the very early stages of life and is the crisis between trusting or not trusting those close to you. Children develop a sense of trust and mistrust and this shapes how they will view the world growing up. If they are loved and cared for, they will view the world with openness.
  • Erikson's 5th stage

    Nick (age 15) participated in the neighborhood book club where he found his passion for reading and writing, but his parents always hinted at going into the sciences.
    Erikson’s fifth stage is the transition from childhood to adulthood where adolescents find how they fit into society and what shapes who they are. There are many factors that shape identity but some include the influence of parents or friends, causing adolescents to may be confused about their identity.
  • Eriksons 7th stage

    Nick (age 42) has 2 children that he cares for dearly and is focused on how he can support them and contribute to make their lives better.
    Erikson's seventh stage describes how an adult could contribute to the next generation (generativity) or end up focusing on their own needs which ends in stagnation. Generativity can be from parenting children or making positive changes that benefit others. Stagnation happens for those who fail to contribute to others.