Erickson Timeline

  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    James (age 21). James got engaged to the love of this life. In Erikson's 6th stage you learn the complexity of a relationship. In this stage it is key to know who you are before you can have a sense of a good relationship. James felt that he knew who he was and what he wanted which was to be with one person for the rest of his life.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Vance (age 11), comes home from the bus crying because the kids bully him. This makes him feel like he doesn't belong because he gets picked on for not being cool enough to hang out with the other kids. Erikson's 4th stage Industry vs. Inferiority children are learning to cope with each other. In this time children learn who they are and learn to accept who they are.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    James (age 40) finds out his wife is pregnant. This brings joy and positive change to James' life. in Erikson's 7th stage it is said that middle-aged adults begin contributing to the next generation, often through childbirth and they also engage in meaningful and productive work which contributes positively to society.