Desktop computer

Eric Stubben: Computer History

  • Punched Cards

    Punched Cards
    Holes in cards are materials such as wood or paper with holes punched in them in order to issue commands for controlling automated machinery or provide data for data processing applications.
  • Analytical Machine

    Analytical Machine
    An analytical machine is a proposed mechanical general purpose computer designed by Charles Babbage.
  • Von Neumann Architecture

    Von Neumann Architecture
    Von Neumann architecture is a design architecture for a stored program computer with subdivisions in the processing unit.

    The ENIAC was the first electronic that was general- purpose. The project behind the ENIAC was funded by the US military and initially designed to calculate artillery firing tables.

    UNIVAC is a line of electronic stored- program computers and was the first general- purpose computers made for commercial use.
  • High- Level Programming Language

    High- Level Programming Language
    High-level programming language refers to the higher level of abstraction from machine language. Rather than dealing with registers, memory addresses and call stacks, high-level languages deal with variables, arrays, objects, complex arithmetic, or boolean expressions.
  • Altair

    The MITS Altair 8800 was a microcomputer designed in 1975 based on the Intel 8080 CPU. This computer was the world's first personal computer.