

  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

  • William Shakespeare writes Macbeth

    William Shakespeare writes Macbeth
    This play was one of Shakespeare's most powerful works. It was writen in England, 1606. This play explains to us about how a person can be changed by society and knowledge from good to evil.
  • Thirty Year War was fought

    Thirty Year War was fought
    This was was fought from 1618-1648 (thirty years), in Europe which is modern day Germany, (Sweden, France, Denmark, Norway, Bohemia, Hungary, Kingdom of Croatia, and Austria). This is important to us becuase the war was so long.
  • Hans Lippershey invents the telescope

    Hans Lippershey invents the telescope
    Lippershey was the inventor of the telescope in Germany, 1619. This is important becuase it allowed people all over thw world to look up and out into space to explore.
  • Descartes writes Discourse on Method

    Descartes writes Discourse on Method
    Discourse on Method is a philosophical and autobiographical treatise published by Rene Descartes in Holland,1637. It is one of the most influential works in the history of modern philosophy.
  • Cromwell's Puritans control England (beginning)

    Cromwell's Puritans control England (beginning)
    Puritans in England were allied to the state power held by the military regime in 1649-1660. This is important becuase the Puritans saw themselves as different from the corrupt English society around them.
  • African slaves first brought to the Caribbean

    African slaves first brought to the Caribbean
    African slaves were beginning to be transported to the Caribbean in 1662. Many slaves were traded for goods.
  • Salem Witch Trials occur

    Salem Witch Trials occur
    The Salem Which Trials are series of hearing and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts from 1692-1693. This affected the world because these trials were to determine who were witches and who were not. they would find different types of ways to kill you and if you died, you were not a witch, but if you didn’t die, then the people of Salem would know that you were a witch and then would kill you. So either way you would die.
  • Rousseau writes social contract

    Rousseau writes social contract
    Most Enlightenment thinkers were involved with the social contract. It was a document stating enlightenment ideas written in France in 1712. It is important becuase it was a relationship between natural and legal rights.
  • Blumbach invents the concept of race

    Blumbach invents the concept of race
    Johann Friedrich Blumenbach invented the concept of race which effected the world by a new concept of race in Germany, May 11, 1752. He explored the aspect of man kind.
  • Wolfgang amadeus mozart

    Wolfgang amadeus mozart
    Mozart was a mucican from Germany. He is imortant to us now because he was/is a famous music composer.
  • James Cook discovered Tahiti

    James Cook discovered Tahiti
    In 1765, James Cook discovered the island of Tahiti. Other people that helped him discover the island were: Charles Green, and Daniel Solander.
  • American Revolution is waged

    American Revolution is waged
    The colonies and Britain were fighting against Britian influence.THe American Revolution takes place in America, 1765 through 1783. This affected the world by demonstrating ideas of enlightenment.
  • Adam Smith writes Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith writes Wealth of Nations
    The Wealth of Nations was the first collected discriptions of what builds a nation, created by Adam Smith, W. Strahan, and T. Cadell in London, England. It was a magnum opus if the Scottish economists.
  • The Bastille is Stormed

    The Bastille is Stormed
    This even took place in Paris, France on July 14, 1789. It was a midevil fortress and prison.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat occurred in France

    Napoleon's coup d'etat occurred in France
    Napoleon overthrew directory and established the French consulate. This took place in France on November 9, 1799. This is an important even becuase he installed himself as first consol in France.