Emily Geraghty: Post Production Skills

By Group14
  • Bait Tutorial

    -How to use FinalCut Pro
    -How to insert an 'Output' and 'Input'
    -How to do a 'match cut'
  • Film Swede: Terminator

    -Learning how to futher use FinalCut Pro
    -Learnt how to add a soundtrack
    -The importance of having enought shots
    -How to add special effects
    --How to add a recorded voice clip into FinalCut Pro
  • Shot-by-shot remake

    -How to add video transitions
    -How to add a soundtrack and make it louder/quieter at certain points
  • Match Cut Prelim

    -Adding pre recorded speech on to a clip where the initial speech couldn't be heard
    -Using slow motion to focus on a shot for longer
  • Thriller: The Last Detail

    -How to edit clips to create a suspence effect
    -Adding text onto a clip
    -How to use slow motion
    -How to layer clips on top of eachother
    -Learnt how to create a soundtrack using soundtrack pro -Learnt how to use motion to create a production/distribution logo
  • Music Viedo

    Music Viedo
    -How to add markers
    -How to edit using basetracks
    -How to use colour correction
    -How to use the blur effect
    -How to use fast motion
    -How to cut quckly between shots to fit the conventions of a music video
    -How to keep the lip sync in time with the music
    -How the structure the music video
  • Ancillary

    -How to use Photoshop
    -How to create different layers
    -How to crop images
    -How to add colour filters
    -How to add shapes
    -How to change the opacity of a picture
    -How to add text on photo shop and change font/colour/size
    -How to incert barcodes/labels etc
    -How to remove a white background from an image