Wuthering heights

Emily Bronte

  • Emily Bronte birth

    Emily Bronte birth
    Emily Bronte was born July 30th 1818 in Thornton, Yorkshire. She was the 5th of six children and the 4th of five daughters
  • The school she attemted

    The school she attemted
    Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Emily attened the Clergy Daughters ' School at Cowan Bridge.
  • Emily's sisters dies

    Emily's sisters dies
    Emily's sister, Elizabeth and Maria, died of a combanation of tuberculosis and typhoid fever. They caught the illness at school. they took Emily and Charlotte out of that school
  • Emily Bronte's Career as a writer started

    Emily Bronte's Career as a writer started
    Her career as a writer started when her father came home from a trip with toy soldiers ment for Emily brother, but what happen was that each of the four Bronte children pick one and named them and gave them personalities. They split into two groups. one group was Charlotte and Branwell and Anne and Emily. They wrote stories for their soldiers and put on play. thats how her career as a writer started.
  • Period: to

    Wuthering Heights was made

    In 1845 Emily started writing her first book called "Wuthering Heights" and she didnt finsh the book until a year later, June of 1846. the book wasn't published until 1847. When the book came out people where puzzled and offended. the considered the book to be morbid, violent, and indelicate, and more people disapproved when they heared that a woman wrote it.
  • Emily's brother died

    Emily's brother died
    Emily's brother, Branwell, career went under and decided to drink and use drugs to droun his sorrows away. Emily came back home to watch him. He later died because of it.
  • Emily Bronte Died

    Emily Bronte Died
    She got a chill on October 1st and didnt leave her house and they had doctors there looking at her and saying that she couldnt leave. On December 19th she insisted of getting out of bed and going out but she started not feeling well and asked if the doctor could come over and shortly after Emily Bronte died.
  • Emily's sister, Anne, died

    Emily's sister, Anne, died
    Emily's sister, Anne, died of pulmonary tuberculosis. she was only 29