Battle of the wilderness 2

Elle dehoyos B3

By kariso
  • Battle of Fort sumter SC

     Battle of Fort sumter SC
    It was the first battle and it lasted the whole day. 15000 volunteers were sent to fight for 3 months. I think its important because it was the first war and everything began that is also why i think it is historically significant. The south won because they had more people and a lot of supplies, they knew what they were dong so they had a advantage to the war.
  • battle of shiloh

    battle of shiloh
    This was the 3rd battle to happen in the war, it was a surprise attack on the unions unprepared troops in Shiloh TN. It took 2 days over all and this battle killed 13,000 union soldiers and 10,000 confederates so over 20,000 people died.The field was so covered in dead people you couldn't walk across the whole thing without ever touching the grass.
  • Abraham Lincolns speech

    Abraham Lincolns speech
    Abraham speech also known as the Gettysburg address was thought to be the worst speech ever. People said he put not thought into it and rushed it. They said it was not well said and he 'winged it' although the people thought it was so terrible it had a lot of meaning behind it that people choose to ignore. He gave such a short speech because the man before him gave a 2 hour speech and he didn't want them getting to bored of standing and listening to him talk
  • Chancellors Battle

    Chancellors Battle
    This was the war where stone well jackson died. It is important because jackson along with 20,000 other people died. The south won this battle again. Stone well Jacksons death was not actually by the oppisite side, someone from his own side by accident. He was mortally wounded which lead to his death.
  • Gettysburg battle

    Gettysburg battle
    The Gettysburg battle was the bloodiest battle if the whole war. Both sides lost large amounts if men. The north won by letting the south waste all of their men and pointless charges. In the picture it shows not alot of people dead but there was actually tons. The reason why its so important is because it was a 3 day war that killed the most people.
  • Abraham lincons death

    Abraham lincons death
    Abraham died when him and his wife went to go see a play in John wikes booth. He was shoot in the head but not immediately dead they didn't have time to bring him to a hospital so they brought hi to the nearest house. The shooter ran away to a barn somewhere far. It was a hard and sad day for almost everyone