Elizabeth bishop 1

Elizabeth Bishop

  • Born

    Born on Feb. 8/1911
  • Father died

    Father died
    The year of 1916 Elizabeth Bishops father had died and her mother when mentally in insane and spent time in an asylum she started writing a storie about it was called The Village her mother later died at the asylum
  • Went to live with gradparents

    Went to live with gradparents
    Lived with her grandparnets for 4 years
  • Co founded Con sprito

    Co founded Con sprito
    She co founded "Con Spirito", a rebel liberary magizine at Vassar College.
  • Earns degree

    Earns degree
    She earned a bacholers degree at vasser colleage
  • Becomes weathly

    Becomes weathly
    Elizabeth is very Weathly and decides to go to Afica,Ireland,France,and Italy
  • moves

    She moves to new york with her friend marinne moore and wins a poetry prize
  • Won a prize

    Won a prize
    Marianne Morre suggested Bishop for the Houston Mifflin Prize for poetry which she won.
  • Becomes poet for libray of congrass

    Becomes poet for libray of congrass
    Elizabeth was a consulant poet for the libray of congrass
  • Sets off

    Sets off
    She set off to circumnaviagte South America by boat.
  • Wins pulitzer prize

    Wins pulitzer prize
    Elizabeth won a pulitzer prize for poetry in 1956
  • Interdused to robert lowell

    Interdused to robert lowell
    Later she is interduesed to Robert Lowell who liked her poems and became great friends
  • Higher education

    Higher education
    She lectured in higher education for a number of years.
  • Begans Relationship

     Begans Relationship
    Began a relationship with Alice Methfessel.
  • Friend dies

    Friend dies
    Marinne moore an inpirsion and close friend to Elizabeth sadly died in Feb.4 1972
  • Published last book

    Published  last book
    Published her last book "Geograpy lll".
  • The First Women to recevie the neustadt prize

    The First Women to recevie the neustadt prize
    She became the first women to receive the Neustadt International Prize for the Literature and the only American.
  • Wins award

    Wins award
    She won the National Book Critics Award.
  • Robert dies

    Robert dies
    in 1977 robret died elizabeth made a poem called our friendship
  • Passed away

    Passed away
    She passed away in 1979 of a cerebral aneurysm.