Egypt giza sphinx 02


  • Period: Feb 28, 1000 to

    Early Egypt

  • Jan 1, 1100

    BC Egyptians in Kush

    BC Egyptians in Kush
    • Kush regained power after reign of Ramses the Great
    • Free of Egyptians control by 1100 BC
  • Jan 1, 1400

    BC Egypt’s Decline

    BC Egypt’s Decline
    • Ramses’ successors faced challenges to authority
    • Major invasions of Egypt
    - Sea Peoples devastated empires
    - Ended Hittite Empire, weakened Egypt’s control of Syria
    Egypt broke into small states
    - Many foreign rulers over next 700 years
    - Libyans, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks
    - Finally fell to Rome
  • Feb 28, 1500

    BC Begining of Power

    BC Begining of Power
    • New Kingdom Egyptians conquered Kush 1500 BC
  • BC The New Kingdom

    BC The New Kingdom
    Hyksos ruled almost 100 years
    • Not harsh, but resented
    • Defeated by nobles from Thebes who became new rulers of Egypt
  • AD Rostea Stone

    AD Rostea Stone
    • Discovered near Nile Delta village of Rosetta in 1799
    • Long passages of writing on the broken stone • Same text in hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek
    • Using Greek as guide, hieroglyphs and demotic meanings revealed
    • Unlocked the mystery of Egyptian writing
  • BC Middle Kingdom

    BC Middle Kingdom
    -Strong leadership brought stability
    -Trade with surrounding lands encouraged
    • Trade routed not always safe
    -Fortresses built along Nile
    -The Hyksos invaded, conquered around 1650BC
  • BC Old Kingdom collapsed

    BC Old Kingdom collapsed
    Warfare, economic strife for almost 200 years
  • BC The Old Kingdom

    BC The Old Kingdom
    Many of the institutions of which the Egyptian civilization is known were created during the period which began around 2650BC
    The Pyramids
    The Pharaohs
    Egyptian Bureaucracy
  • BC Unification

    BC Unification
    • Two kingdoms unified around 3100BC
    • Upper Egypt ruler Menes Conquered north
    -Founded capital city of Memphis
    -Adopted both symbols, the snake and the vulture
    • First of 31 dynasties
  • BC First Farming Villages

    BC First Farming Villages
    Two Kingdoms:
    • Northern Kingdom, Lower Egypt
    -Mild climate; cobra goddess worshipped
    • Southern Kingdom, Upper Egypt
    -Warmer climate; prayed to a culture goddess