Effects & Changes of Pregnancy of Expectant Mother

  • Month One

    Month One
    During the first month of pregnancy, the mother doesnt know she is pregnant yet so her first symptoms aren't necessarily recognizable. She will skip her period and that will be her first sign. She will experience mood changes, bloating, cramping, spotting, frequent urination, tender breats , fatigue and food cravings.
  • Month Two

    Month Two
    During the second month of pregnancy the mother may experience morning sickness, heartburn and indegestion, constipation, diziness, bloating, mood changes and she is not showing yet.
  • Month three

    Month three
    At month three of pregnancy your symptoms are pleasent and not discomforting. You will experience increased vaginal discharge, spider veins, varicose veins, frequent urination, forgetfulness, weight gain, increase in energy and changes in skin pigmentation.
  • Month Four

    Month Four
    Month four is often times reffered to as the "honeymoon" phase when moms begin to start decorating and their maternal side shows. Mothers may experience weight gain, itchy skin around the tummy and breasts, intense hunger and increased energy. Many of these symptoms are similar to the ones in the first trimester.
  • Month Five

    Month Five
    During the fifth month of pregnancy the mother will experience many similar symptoms as the previous months and she will feel hunger, increased energy, hunger, weight gain, itchy skin, bloating, swollen hands and feet, shortness of breath, diffuclty finding a position to sleep in.