Début de la période moderne (1500-1750)

  • Aug 10, 1519

    First voyage around the world

    First voyage around the world
    Exactly five centuries ago, on August 10, 1519, the navigator Fernand de Magellan took the start of the first world tour in history, at the head of a fleet of five ships and 237 men, the explorer will lose his life in this world tour.
    Fernand de Magellan launched his maritime journey to Seville, this world tour will last 3 years
  • 1540

    Theory of the Sun center of celestial orbs

    Theory of the Sun center of celestial orbs
    Nicolas Copernic (Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543) is a Polish astronomer known for his astronomical theory that the Sun is at the centre of the universe, the Earth circling around it. This is a system known as «heliocentrism» that theory will be accepted as true by the sleek only in 1820.
  • 1570

    First compound microscope

    First compound microscope
    Created by the Dutch optician Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias Janssen
  • Invention of the digital calculator

    Invention of the digital calculator
    The pascaline, originally called arithmetic machine then pascalin wheel, is a mechanical calculator invented by Blaise Pascalis a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher, moralist and theologian.
    Its considered as the first machine to calculate at the age of nineteen, that he conceived the idea 4, wanting to relieve the task of his father who had just been appointed superintendent of Upper Normandy.
  • First blood microscope observation

    First blood microscope observation
    In 1658, the Dutch naturalist, Jan Swammerdam was the first person to observe red blood cells under a microscope.

    English mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton built a first version in 1672 of the PARABOLIQUE MICROSCOPE
  • First mercury thermometer

    First mercury thermometer
    The mercury thermometer was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724. Its operation is based on mercury contained in a glass tube. The volume of mercury, thus the length of the column in the tube, depends on its temperature.