
Early Hominids of the Past

  • Austroplithecus Afresis appeared on Earth

    Austroplithecus Afresis appeared on Earth
    The Austroplithecus Afrensis lived in Africa about 4,000,000 to 3,000,000 years ago. the first one found was nicknamed Lucy, after the song, "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds." They were about three feet tall, witha portruding jaw and fore head. They had no tools, and they walked on two feet so they were bipeds.
  • Homo Habilis appeared on Earth (Also known as "Handy Man")

    Homo Habilis appeared on Earth (Also known as "Handy Man")
    The Homo Habilis, or Handy Man lived 2,000,000 to 1.5 million years ago in Africa. They were about four feet tall, and had 2/3 brain size of what we have today. They made over 60 tools to survive, protect themselves and hunt. They were bipeds too, just like Lucy.
  • Homo Erectus appeared on Earth (Also known as "Upright Man")

    Homo Erectus appeared on Earth (Also known as "Upright Man")
    Homo Erectus lived 1.8 million to 2,000,000 years ago off the coast of Africa. Since they were the first to fully walk on two feet, they migrated from Africa to Asia. They were about 5 1/2 feet tall. They were bipeds, like every hominid before them. They also knew how to safely handle fire. Since they were the first to discover fire, they could build better shelters and protect themselves. They could also live in colder climates because of the new tool fire.
  • Homo Sapien Neanderthalis appeared on Earth (Also known as "Neanderthals")

    Homo Sapien Neanderthalis appeared on Earth (Also known as "Neanderthals")
    Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis lived 230,000 to 30,000 years ago. Their bones were first found in Neander Valley, Germany, where they get part of their name from. These hominids lived in Africa, Europe, and Asia. They were 5 1/2 tall bipeds with large brains. The tools they used for combat were spears, and thin blades, like swords. They were the first to live in groups that cooperate with eachother, or a community.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens appeared on Earth. (Also known as "Doubly Wise Man")

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens appeared on Earth. (Also known as "Doubly Wise Man")
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens lived 30,000 years ago till now. (We're Homo Sapiens Sapiens) They lived in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They were about six feet tall with as big of brains as us. They were the ones to invent the bow and arrow, and the attle-attle or spear thrower. With the attle-attle and bow and arrow, the were able to hunt from a distance, therefore safely.