Early Hominids

  • Australopithecus

    -Some human-like, but mainly ape-like features
    -Lived between 1 and 4.2 million years ago
    -Inhabted mainly in Africa
  • Period: to

    Early Hominids

  • Physical Features

    -Brain capacity was 375-500 cc
    -Height of male = 4 feet
    -Height of female = 3 feet
    -Tooth enamel worn (because they were major fruit eaters)
    -Walked upright
    -Long arms relative to legs
  • Diet

    -Main part was fruit
    -Limited meat eating
  • Technology

    -Possibly made stone tools
    -None found with their remains
  • Homo Habilis

    -1.4 to 2.3 million years ago
    -"Man of skill"
    -Remained in Africa
  • Physical Characteristics

    -Brain capacity about 750 cc
    -Relatively large skulls
    -Tooth enamel worn, also because of fruits
    -Some with small skulls and human-like teeth
    -Skull indicates right/left sides of brain (indication of pre-condition of language development
    -Male height: 3 to 5 feet
    -Female height: barely over 4 feet
    Ape-like proportions, all walked upright
  • Diet

    -Mostly fruit was eaten
    -Some opportunistic meat eating
    -Fossils found associated with prey animals (antelopes)
    -5 of 13 bones had carnivorous markinds in them
    -No eveolutionary change was found in teeth or fingernails
  • Technology

    -Tools found were shown to have in butchering, cutting wood, and cutting soft vegitation
    -Tools found were typically 1-4 iinches
    -Included choppers and scrapers
  • Homo Erectus

    -Between 1.9 million and 27,000 years ago
    -Southern and Northern Africa
    Possibly moved into Asia about 1.2 million years ago
    -Later ranged from the Caucasus to Indonesia and northern China
    -First to live in tropical, temperate, hot and dry, cool and dry, and cold
  • Physical Characteristics

    -Brain capacity about 850-1200 cc
    -face stuck out
    -Ridges on eyebrows and on top of skull
    -Protruding nose, not flat
    -Tooth enamel heavily scratched and pitted
    -Male height: 5.2 feet
    -Female height: 5.9 feet
    -Reduced arm length and narrower hips (increased efficiency of leg muscles
    -Needing higher quality food due to narrower hips
    -Difficulty pronouncing vowels
  • Diet

    -Omnivorous (meat playing larger part of diet than other earlly hominids)
    -No evidence that they were hunters
    -Germany- 6 foot wooden spears found, along with stone tools and bones (scratches found on them from horses, found about 500,000 years ago)
  • Technology

    • first to use fire
    • used language
    • tear drop shape hand axe
  • Neanderthal

    • Lived 35,000 to 130,000 years ago
    • Disapeared mysteriosly ( Ice age, interbreeding, disease, and lack of the creativespark)
  • Physical Characteristics

    • slanted brows
    • thick muscles and bones
    • short limbs and bodies to retain heat in cold
    • male average 5 and 1/2 feet; 185 lbs.
    • used teeth as a 3rd hand
    • larger brain volume than modern humans
    - larynx was higher up in the throat leaving less airspace that helps in pronouncing words
  • Other facts

    • wore animal skins for warmth/adapted to the climate
    • built shelters, used tools and fire
    • believed in an afterlife : buried dead and cared for the sick
    • population never exceeded 15,000
    • cannibalized one another
    • cold climate required 5000 calorie diet
  • Homo Sapiens/Cro-Magnon

    • Similar to modern humans
    • Found 150,000 years ago
    • Spread to Europe/Asia
  • Other facts

    • superior hunting techniques; organized big game hunts
    • advanced language gave them an advantage against the neanderthals
    • cave painting " Hall of Bulls " in Lascaux Cave
    • able to adapt to various environments