
Early Hominids

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    Early Hominids

  • Australopithecus Afarensis

    Australopithecus Afarensis
    Australopithecus Afarensis or " Southern Ape" lived in Africa 3 to 4 million years ago. Their brains were 1/3 the size of a ours. They were 3 feet tall, with long arms, and their jaw and forhead stuck out were. Scientist found no tools, but they still had the most important tool, and that was their hands. They were also biped, due to that they could gather and carry food easier.
  • Homo Habilis

    Homo Habilis
    Homo Habilis also known as the "handy man" lived in Africa around 1.5 to 2 million years ago. They were 4 feet tall, they had larger brains than the "Southern Apes".They had ape and human features. "Handy Man" used stone and animal bonesas tools to work. They were also biped like the "Southern Apes" and lived and traveld in groups.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Homo Erectuse also " Upright Men" originated in Africa and were the first to migrate from Africa to Asia and Europe. They were 5 in a half feet tall, thiner, had stronger bones, had a round and smooth forthead, With ridges over their eyes,had a thick skull, and their jaw stuck out. They used hand axes made of stone, but the most important was fire. They also stood up straight so due to that they were good walkers and runners.
  • Homo Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens
    Homo Sapiens also known as " Wise Man" originated in Africa then migrated to Europe and Asia 230,000 to 300,000 years ago. They stood around 5 1/2 feet tall, they had large brains, thick bones, and a ridge above their eyes. They created more complex tools then the other Early Men. The capibilities that they had were more like us today, like working together, lived and traveld in groups, hunted in orginized groups, and had a sense of communication.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens also known as " Modern Homan" they lived in Africa and migrated to Austrailia, Asia, and Europe traveling on land bridges. Homo Sapiens Sapiens had high rounded skulls, large brains, small teeth, 51/2 to 6 feet tall, and had slender bones.Some of their tool were the spearthrower, bow and arrow, and created musicle insturments. They worked together to kill, moved clos in to attack