Early Explorers

  • 1000

    Leif Ericsson

    Leif Ericsson
    Leif Ericsson was a skilled sailor from Scandinavia, he was also a viking.Leif Ericsson wanted to sail west and ended up in iceland, and then greenland. Then, in the 1000 Leif Ericsson was blown off course by a storm and ended on the coast of N.America. Even though he didn't mean to he was the first European to reach N.America.
  • 1460

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Prince Henry the Navigator
    Prince Henry was the prince of Portugal. He owned a school for sailors and also provided financial help which lead to the Portuguese being able to explore the ocean.
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias

    Bartolomeu Dias
    Bartolomeu sailed for Portugal. He sailed form Portugal to the bottom of Africa, which lead to him finding the Cape of Good Hope.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus sailed for Spain. He first sailed to North America across the Atlantic Ocean, believed he had reached Asia. He voyaged which led to sailing to the Americas and exchanges between Europe, Africa,and the Americas.
  • 1497

    Vasco de Gama

    Vasco de Gama
    Vasco de Gama sailed for Portugal. Vasco sailed around Africa and to Asia.
  • 1498

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot was an Italian sailor but, was sailing for the English.He also looked for a new way to the Pacific Ocean on the coast of Canada and Newfoundland.
  • 1499

    Amerigo Vaspucci

    Amerigo Vaspucci
    Amerigo Vaspucci sailed for Spain. He sailed the South America Balboa.
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de leon

    Juan Ponce de leon
    Juan Ponce de leon sailed for Spain. He explored present day Florida looking for "the fountain of youth."
  • 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    Vasco Nunez de Balboa sailed for Spain. He sailed across Central America to discover the Pacific Ocean.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Hernan Cortes was a conquistador. He explored Mexico and conquered the Aztec.
  • 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Ferdinand Magellan sailed for Spain. First European to circumnavigate the globe.
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    Francisco Pizarro was a conquistador who explored the Andes Mountains of South America and also defeated the Inca Empire.
  • 1536

    Alver Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

    Alver Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
    Alver Nunez Cabeza de Vaca sailed for Spain. He was accompanied by Estavansico plus more. They explored the North American Southwest looking of seven cites of gold.
  • 1536

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jacques Cartier sailed to present day Montreal by going down the Saint Lawrence River. He ended up claiming lands for France.
  • 1542

    Francisco Vasquez de Cornoado

    Francisco Vasquez de Cornoado
    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado sailed for Spain. He was looking for seven cites of gold in the North American Southwest but, then discovered the Grand Canyon.
  • 1543

    Juan Cabrillo

    Juan Cabrillo
    Juan Cabrillo sailed for Spain. He was an explorer who was known for investigations of the west coast of North America on behalf of the Spanish.
  • 1543

    Hernando de Soto

    Hernando de Soto
    Hernando de Soto sailed for Spain. Discovered the Mississippi River and also explored Florida and North Carolina.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson’s second exploration was with his own son.He wanted to find the northeast route to Asia.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson was an English captain. He lead the dutch expedition to present day New York.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de Champlain explored with Jacques Cartier and claimed land for France in the North. This is also known as present day Canada.
  • Rene-Robert de la salle

    Rene-Robert de la salle
    Rene-Robert had land claim along the Mississippi river and Mississippi valley.