Dunavan-Space Exploration Timeline

  • Sputnik I

    Sputnik I
    The USSR launches the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, Sputnik I, in 1957.
  • First Men to Walk on the Moon

    First Men to Walk on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to ever walk on the moon.
  • US Apollo 15

    US Apollo 15
    The US Apollo 15 was the the first mission to use moon rovers to drive across the moon's surface.
  • Space Shuttle Columbia

    Space Shuttle Columbia
    On March 19, 1981, the US launched the first Space Shuttle Columbia.
  • First Educator Involved in Orbital Mission

    First Educator Involved in Orbital Mission
    Christa McAuliffe. First Educator involved in orbital mission. Tragic Challenger explosion.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    Hubble Space Telescope
    The Hubble Space Telescope is launchedby the US to record information about our solar system and the universe.
  • Mars Rover

    Mars Rover
    The Mars Rover land and explorers the surface of Mars.
  • Voyager I

    Voyager I
    Voyager I reaches the edge of the solar system.