D's Timeline

By rayzuke
  • Period: to


  • D had born

    D had born
    D had came to the world!
  • D has his first Ipod!

    D has his first Ipod!
    D had his first Ipod for his birthday, a nice present from his parents
  • D had his first computer

    D had his first computer
    D had his first computer, a nice present from his parents!
  • Period: to


  • D trying to enter Star Wars (company) database

    D trying to enter Star Wars (company) database
    D was trying to enter Star Wars database, but he failed!
  • D had stolen some Confidential Information from the USA

    D had stolen some Confidential Information from the USA
    D had succesfully stolen some Confidential Information about what is USA doing in some countries

    D had challenged Anonymous!
  • Period: to


  • D made thousands of DDos Attacks!

    D made thousands of DDos Attacks!
    D made too much DDos attacks to different countries, he has an international order of search and arrest
  • D had run and dissapeared!!

    D had run and dissapeared!!
  • D from an anonymous site, attacked USA again

    D from an anonymous site, attacked USA again
    USA all computer systems are down!
  • Terrorists take the opportunity and attack USA

    Terrorists take the opportunity and attack USA
    They destroyed a lot of USA military bases in Arabia Saudi
  • D creates a virus that infects FACEBOOK!!!

    D creates a virus that infects FACEBOOK!!!
    D had finally created a virus that infects the FACEBOOK!
  • D causes panic all over the world with a virus

    D causes panic all over the world with a virus
    He has created a virus that after infecting your computer, they can materialise at the real world and destroy your computer!!
  • D causes PANIC ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!

    D causes PANIC ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!
    D have created a new virus that can also materialise in the real world and eats humans!!!
  • Period: to


  • D has been arrested in the Hawaii Islands

    D has been arrested in the Hawaii Islands
    D had been arrested in the Hawaii Islands when he was sunbathing.
    He has been arrested after 5 years of inactivity,
    He will be judged for these reasons: -Enter in an illegal way into the USA database and steal information.
    -Made millions of people affected due to the DDos attacks.
    -Contribution helping the terrorist attack USA
    -Creation of a virus (J.UdO1) that cost BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to solve and destroy.
    -Millions of people killed by the virus (J.UdO2)
    -And thousands of other causes.
  • D had escaped from an maximun security prison

    D had escaped from an maximun security prison
    D had escaped from the maximun security prison of the United States, there are no information about the people that helped him to escape...
  • D had created a new virus (FURY).

    D had created a new virus (FURY).
    When this virus infects your computer, your computer start burning and finally explodes
  • D had created a more destroyer and dangerous virus (Destruction)

    D had created a more destroyer and dangerous virus (Destruction)
    D had created the second of his trilogy of viruses, Destruction, the second more dangerous created by D
  • D had created the last virus (Z.Apocalypse)

    D had created the last virus (Z.Apocalypse)
    D has created his masterwork the virus (Z.Apocalypse) it made all humans extinguised! :O ...Then ...who is writing this timeline??...