

  • Distribution explained

    Distribution explained
    Distribution is the competitiveness of expanding and sustaining films in cinemas so a the largest number of people view it. It's vital to the health of the film industry as a whole. The distributers find films with potential (excluding sequels) so theycan do well within the market usually from scratch.Although the film may have been made by passion the distribution company is a full time business so they try their hardest to make it big.
  • Distribution companies (Left to Right)

    Distribution companies (Left to Right)
    Here is a list of the major distribution companies.
    Warner Brothers
    Metro Goldwyn Mayer
  • Who would distribute our film

    Who would distribute our film
    I believe that Univeral would most likely distribute our film because it is similar to 'Dawn of the Dead' which they and most companies follow and theme so our film would most fit theirs.
  • Audience appeal

    Audience appeal
    I believe our appeal to a wider audience is fine becasue ther is no significant theme which means it can only appeal to the UK. There is no specified country and the story line can be used to take place anywhere in the world allowing it to appeal to a wider audience.
  • Marketing Strategies

    Marketing Strategies
    I think that a good way to get our film known is to use the social networks and media to distribute the trailer because everyone that goes to the Cinema uses the media and that is how word is spread about the film.