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Disruption Timeline Kendyl Call

By kcall
  • Period: to

    5 Disruptions Social Media Has Influenced

    Past 5 Years Disruptive Events Social Media Has Had a Hand In
  • #DressLikeaWoman

    In response to Trump's inviting his staff to "dress like a woman", people took to social media hashtagging #DressLikeaWoman in their work clothes and non gender specific clothing to change the way clothing is viewed as either male or female. This was especially popular on Twitter and Instagram where hashtagging is most prevalent.
  • #WomensMarch

    Women used social media to post videos and pictures of, and talk about and coordinate marches for women's equality around the world but especially the workplace. The hashtag was used to gather all these ideas in one place and unite the cause. Twitter and Facebook were this disruption's main hub, but Instagram was influential as well in reaching large audiences.
  • #MeTooMovement

    As thousands of women started standing up and speaking about the sexual assault, harassment, and rape they had experienced and stayed silent about beforehand out of fear, this movement was about exposing those who were committing these crimes and getting away with it, and for people, mostly women, receiving justice for the traumas they have had to go through. Hashtags on posts across all social media platforms were used to achieve these goals, and disrupt the norm of silence.
  • Gun Law Movement

    Gun Law Movement
    After a shooting that killed 17 people in Florida, people took to social media to express their issues, concerns, or defense about the gun laws in the United States. Florida students used twitter, Snap chat, and Instagram for good, and Facebook was also a bigger component of more adults expressing opinions about guns. They sought to either tighten law and restrict use of guns, or defend the freedom outlined in our constitution.
  • Black Lives Matter George Floyd & Breonna Taylor

    Black Lives Matter George Floyd & Breonna Taylor
    The deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor resparked the Black Lives Matter Movement which started in 2015, spurring protests, riots, and social movement surrounding inequality and police brutality of people of color and minorities. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook were the largest platforms this disruption of inequality were seen on, where people would post and share videos of things going on and share opinions about how things need to change in the United States