Disruption Timeline

  • 2016 Presidential campaign

    2016 Presidential campaign
    In the 2016 Presidential campaign, lots of Russian trolls spread misinformation on Facebook.
  • Bitcoin all time high

    Bitcoin all time high
    in December 2017, Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $20,000 which circled around Twitter for days as it slowly crashed back down to $3000 within a month.
  • Me too Movement

    Me too Movement
    In 2018 millions of women marched against sexual harassment and misconduct. Over 19 million tweets were sent out of #MeToo.
  • Guman Facebook lived mass shooting in New Zealand Mosque

    Guman Facebook lived mass shooting in New Zealand Mosque
    A gunman lived streamed his mass killing of 51 people and injuring 49 on Facebook.
  • 2020 George Floyd murder

    2020 George Floyd murder
    In March of 2020, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer. The video went viral all over social media sparking black lives matter marches all over the country.
  • Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony

    Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony
    Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony was stolen by an image of Senator Bernie Sanders setting in the crowd.