Disruption Timeline

  • Free Hugs

    Free Hugs
    Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement which individuals offer free hugs to strangers and promote kindness. It trended on Twitter and they use Instagram to reach more of their audience
  • Ice Bucket Challenge

    Ice Bucket Challenge
    This campaign was created to promote awareness of ALS. More than 17 million people posted videos online, including Bill Gates and George W. Bush. They used Facebook to post a video and tag other friends challenging them to complete the challenge in 24 hours.
  • Always #LikeAGirl

    Always #LikeAGirl
    Always used a commercial in the 2015 Super Bowl and created #LikeAGirl on Twitter to champion young girls confidence.
  • #GoVote

    In 2016 celebrities noticed the issue in voting among 18-29-year-olds. They encouraged their viewers and social media followers to go vote on Twitter and Instagram using hashtags such as #Govote or #Vote.
  • #MeToo movement

    #MeToo movement
    MeToo went viral over Twitter promoting awareness of sexual harassment. This helped other women feel like they weren't alone and it showed how often it occurs. This brought awareness to the issue and created a movement to end sexual harassment.