Evolution (1)

Different theories through history

By misifu
  • Mar 19, 640

    Greek evolutionary thoughts

    Greek evolutionary thoughts
    first animals lived in water, during a wet phase of the Earth's past, and that the first land-dwelling ancestors of mankind must have been born in water, and only spent part of their life on land
  • Mar 19, 700

    Chinese thoughts on evolutionary thoughts

    Chinese thoughts on evolutionary thoughts
    denies the fixity of biological species and Taoist philosophers speculated that species had developed differing attributes in response to differing environments
  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to

    Divine origin

    life was created by God during a single week
  • Mar 19, 1500

    Panspermia Theory

    Panspermia Theory
    means seeds everywhere. It suggests that life could have
    existed on another planet and moved to Earth by meteorites, comets etc
  • Chemical evolution theory

    Chemical evolution theory
    living organisms that appeared on Earth arose
    from inorganic matter in a time when the chemical environment and conditions of the
    planet were very different from today’s conditions.
  • Period: to

    Lamarks life period

  • Lamarck theory of evolution

    Lamarck theory of evolution
    Lamarck believed that the modifications an organism acquires during its
    lifetime are passed to its offspring (inheritance of acquired characteristics)
  • Spontaneous generation

    Spontaneous generation
    simple living organisms could come into being by spontaneous generation, this means that they could come from dust, mud, etc
  • James Ussher and Charles Lightfoot

    James Ussher and Charles Lightfoot
    Usher fixed the date of creation at October 23, 4004 B.C; Dr. Charles Lightfoot of Cambridge University in England proclaimed that the time of creation was 9:00 A.M. on October 23, 4004 B.C.
  • Period: to

    Darwins life period

  • Darwins theory of natural selection

    Darwins theory of natural selection
    theory of natural selection:
    Survival in the struggle for existence is not random, but depends
    in part on the hereditary constitution of the surviving individuals. Those individuals
    whose inherited characteristics fit them best to their environment are likely to leave
    more offspring than less fit individuals.
  • Period: to

    Spontaneous generation

    Paris Academy of Sciences offered a prize for
    any experiments that would help resolve the conflict on spontaneous generation. 1864 by
    Louis Pasteur, as he published the results of an experiment where he proved that
    microorganisms did not arise by spontaneous generation

    modern synthesis or neo-Darwinism:
    the natural selection (which is seen through differential reproduction), that acts upon genetic variations (which are the outcome of mutations or sexual recombination) which appear among the members of a population.