Developmental Milestones

  • 5 year old

    Emotional: Begins wanting to please their friends and cares about how they are feeling. They also start being cooperative with house rules and listening when told not to do something in particular. Movement: Can stand on one foot for more than 10 seconds on average and can hop and skip with ease while walking.
  • 4 year old

    Emotional: Enjoys finding new things to do and play with and they start cooperating better with others instead of arguing and throwing tantrums. They now would prefer playing with others rather than just by them self. Movement: Can hop and stand on one foot on an average of 2 full seconds and can learn to pour and cut with supervision.
  • 3 year old

    Emotional: Begins making memorable friends and showing affection towards them. They may begin getting upset when there is a change in their usual routine because they aren't used to it. Movement: Can climb well and runs easily. This is when they can learn to petal tricycles too.
  • 2 year old

    Emotional: Begins copying others and getting excited when they see other kids. May begin showing more defiant behaviors when told not to or to do a certain thing. Movement: Stands on tiptoes and begins to kick things around.
  • 18 month old

    Emotional: Likes to hand toys to others for play, but my also be afraid if they don't know the person. They also like to explore alone without guidance but of course with supervision. Movement: Can now walk alone and can pull or drag toys while walking.
  • 1 year old

    Emotional: Shy and nervous with strangers and cries when mom and dad (or other guardian) leaves them. They also begin showing fear in some situations at this stage. Movement: Pulls up to stand and holds on to furniture to walk.
  • 9 month old

    Emotional: Begins knowing faces more so might be afraid of strangers and may be clingy with the people they are familiar with. Movement: Can now stand while holding on to something and can completely sit without support.
  • 6 month old

    Emotional: Knows and remembers familiar faces and enjoys interacting and playing with other children. They also learn to respond to others emotions by this age. Movement: Can now roll over in both directions and can begin sitting without support.
  • 4 month old

    Emotional: More head control whiles sitting, and learns to kick and push with their feet. They also learn to smile more towards people and copying movements. Movement: May be able to roll over from tummy to back and can hold head up even better unsupported.
  • 2 month old

    emotional: begins gaining control over body movements, so they can begin to hold their own heads up. They also begin to learn how to smile and calm themselves. Movement: Can hold head up and begins to push up when laying on their tummy.