Developmental Milestone Timeline

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    Trust vs Mistrust

    Learning whether to trust or not to based on whether or not their needs for things like food and comfort are met.
  • Period: to


    Experiencing the world through senses and actions (looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping)
  • Period: to

    Easy Tempermant

    Babies are cheerful, relaxed and predictable in feeding and sleeping
  • Period: to

    Difficult Tempermant

    Babies are more iiritable, intense, and unpredicatable
  • Period: to


    Babies tend to resist or withdraw from new people and situations
  • Period: to

    Preconventional Morality

    Before the age of 9, most children's morality focuses on self-interest: they obey rules either to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards
  • Period: to

    Secure Attachment

    When the baby is distressed when its mother leaves, easily soothed by their mother/figure, they're happy when they're mother returns
  • Period: to

    Insecure Attachment

    They don't need their mother/figure wen exploring new enviorments, mostly independent, doesn't seem too distressed when mother leaves
  • Raised Head

    I raised my head 45 degrees
  • Roll Over

  • Sit with Support

  • Sit without Support

  • Pull Self to Standing Position

  • Walk Holding on to Furniture

  • Creep

  • Stand Alone

  • Period: to

    Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt

    Toddlers realize they can direct their own behavior.
  • Walk

  • Period: to


    2-6 or 7 years. Representing things with words and images; using intuitive rather than logical reasoning
  • Period: to

    Initiative v. Guilt

    Children are developing imagination, and sharing. They have to learn to control their behavior and take responsibility.
  • Period: to

    Industry v. Inferiority

    Children try to learn new skills, obtain new knowledge
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational

    Thinking logically about concrete eventsl grasping concrete anaologies and performing arithmetical operations
  • Girls puberty

    Puberty begins with breast development
    Also first period (menarche) at 12.5 years
    Develop breats, body hair, growth, and other changes
  • Period: to

    Conventional Morality

    By early adolescence, morality focuses on caring for others and on upholding laws and social rules. simply because they are the laws and rules
  • Period: to

    Identity v. Role Confusion

    Trying to learn who they are as a person.
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational

    Absract reasoning
  • Boys Puberty

    First ejaculation (spermarche)
    Develop body hair, voices, and other body changes
  • Period: to

    Post Conventional Morality

    With the abstract reasoning of formal operational thought, people may reach a third moral level. Actions are judged right because they flow from people's rights or from self-defined, basic ethical principles
  • Period: to

    Intimacy v. Isolation

    Trying to form a close, committed relationship.
  • Average women marries at 26

  • Average man marries at 28

  • Period: to

    Generativity v. Stagnation

    The challenge is to be creative, productive, and give back to the next generation.
  • Midlife transition

    Usually happens in the early 40s, when adults question their life and what they've done but transition into their second half of life
  • Period: to

    Physical Changes of Middle and Late Adulthood

    Skin continues to dry out and become more wrinkly, lose eye sight and the ability to adjust eye focus, hearing lossmuscle to fat ratio changes as you gain fat in the abdomen area, and women go through hormone changes
  • Have first child at age 31

  • Average age of Menopause

    Menopause is when a women stops having her menstrual cycle and can no longer reproduce
    Average age is 51 years old
  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity v. Despair

    This person is trying to reach wisdom, tranquility, wholeness, and acceptance.
  • Period: to

    Cognitive Changes in Adulthood

    Memory loss, such as alzheimer's and dimentia, where memory is compromised. Also, reflexes and reactions are slower. There is an increase incrysallized intellegence, accumulated knowledge and verbal skills, but then a decrease in fluid intelleience, the ability to reason speedily and abstractly
  • Average death of a male

    71 years is the average life expenctancy of a male
  • Average death of a female

    Average life expectancy is 73 years for a female