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  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    The G.I. Bill was created by President Eisenhower. The G.I. Bill will allow World War II veterans low-interest rates, fully paid college tuitions and business loans. This program is also still around today. It will be introduced in June of 1944. This bill helped politicians determine what benefits war veterans would receive after the war was over.
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    Civil Rights

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    Cold War

  • Beats

    The Beat Generation was a movement that became popular during the 1950's. It was a literary movement that consisted of artist, novelists, and poets. They believed in rejecting the normal American materialism and culture. They rejected things like home ownership, careers, and marriage. Instead, they believed in individual freedoms, pleasure, drugs, and sex. They were called Beats or Beatniks or hippies. This generation will begin the foundation for war protest in the 1960's.
  • The Fair Deal

    The Fair Deal
    The Fair Deal was President Harry Truman's version of the New Deal. It focused on health care, public housing, education, and public works. It also focused on raising the minimum wage, getting electricity and telephones. Truman was very focused on this though he is forced to scale back because of the Korean War. They needed to stop the communist agenda, they also needed bi-partisan support. president Truman would also fight to keep the New Deal in place.
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  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    Dr. Jonas Salk was the doctor to first create the injectional polio vaccine. In 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk will introduce the vaccine that will save thousands of people. It was made by cultivating three strands of the virus in monkeys tissue. Before the vaccine was introduced thousands of people died, though after the creation of the vaccine polio was able to become eradicated form the U.S and nearly the world by 1994.
  • Emmit Till

    Emmit Till
    In the Summer of 1955, Emmet Till was sent to Money, Mississippi from Chicago by his mother so that he would be familiar with segregation. He whistled to a white woman named Carol Bryant. And four days later Emmet Till was abducted by Carol's husband. He would be driven to a nearby shed and beaten
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    a woman by the name of Rosa Parks will refuse to give up her seat to a white man. She was arrested and went to jail. And because of this a woman by the name of Jo Ann Robinson will begin the word of a boycott. People will boycott the buses and will walk or carpool to the places they need to go. The Boycott was successful and will continue for a year. And the bus company will nearly go out of business because most of the people who rode the bus was black
  • Eisenhower Interstate system

    Eisenhower Interstate system
    The Eisenhower Interstate System was opened on June 29th of 1956. Eisenhower was a fan of the German Brahn. This Interstate System allowed for people to travel from city to city throughout the United States. Though Eisenhower's main reason for creating the Interstate was because it would allow for easier transportation for the military in case of attack. It would also allow for the evacuation of cities in case of attack.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first orbiting satellite that was put into space. It was put into space by the Soviet Union in the fall of 1957. Though it was only a small metal ball it held great signficance. During this time there was major competition between the Soviet Union and the United States and by being able to put this satellite into space first it was way of showing that they were more advanced. It made Americans fearful of falling behind the Soviet Union.
  • Hippies

    Hippies were the names given to those that participated in the counterculture during the 1960's. They believed in peace, living in the moment without inhibition and reject modern middle class values Rock music was a catalyst in spreading the counterculture. Many artists would transform music to match the counterculture ideas. Such as Bob Dylan and the Beatles. A popular festival that many hippies attended was Woodstock in New York.
  • Discount retailing

    Discount retailing
    Discount Retailing would begin in the 1960's with stores such as Kmart, Home Depot, and Best Buy. A man named Sam Walton would create a store named Wal-Mart that would sell a wide variety of products at very low prices. He also created the just in time inventory that would make sure that products came to store just as they are needed. A woman named Estee Lauder would create a cosmetic and beauty products and give out free samples.
  • Anti-War Movement

    Anti-War Movement
    The Anti-War Movement was a movement during the 1960's that protested against the Vietnam war. They protested the opposition of the War. They protested by holding anti-war marches and other protests. Many of these protests were hosted by the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. Many of the protesters were young students. They gained lots of support after the Tet Offensive because it proved that the war was not being anywhere close to ending.
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  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    Albert Sabin was an American scientist that created the oral polio vaccine. He discovered it in 1961. By doing so he would allow for the eradication of polio and save millions of lives. He was born on August 26th, 1906. And will die on March 3rd, 1993. He went on the receive many awards such as the National Medal of Science for Biological Science. He will also receive the Presidential Medal of Honor.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    On November 22nd, 1963 John F. Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas to campaign for his re-election in the 1964 Presidential elections when he was assassinated. He was traveling throughout Texas to San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas. He flew into Love Airfield in Dallas he would travel through downtown Dallas with the top of the convertible down and be sitting on top of the car. And as the car turns on to Elm Street a man named Lee Harvey Oswald, will shoot him from the 6th floor of a building .
  • Freedom

    Freedom Summer was part of the Civil Rights Movement where whites would go to Mississippi to help register rural blacks to vote. On the first day of Freedom Summer, 3 civil rights workers will disappear. Two were white an done was black. They would be pulled over and arrested for a "speeding ticket". They were then let go but were tailed by Klan members and disappeared. They were found six weeks later shot in the head and buried in a dirt dam.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    On March 7th, 1965, also known as Bloody Sunday. 600 marchers would walk 50 miles to Montgomery to protest their right to vote. the county police were waiting across the Edmond Pettus Bridge. The police order the protester to go back, and in response, the protesters will kneel and pray. The police will then attack the protesters with clubs and gas as white spectators cheered them on. The TV broadcast will capture the violence and help gain support for the blacks.
  • Tet Offese

    Tet Offese
    The Tet Offense was the early celebration of the end of the Vietnam War. Generals believed that the war was almost over because they had killed so many. During January and February of 1968, the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese will launch massive strikes on South Vietnam. And to much of Americans taught the North Vietnamese would not give up. And because of the Tet Offensive 50K American troops will leave major towns leaving them exposed and Viet Congs will take them over, locking them out.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the space mission that would put the first man on the moon. As the Race to Space continued between the United States and the Soviet Union, the tension will become more and more intense. This national goal was set under the administration of President Kennedy.This space mission would last 8 days. The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong along with the pilot Buzz Aldrin. This event was widely watched around the world, thanks to the invention of the television.
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  • General Ford

    General Ford
    Gerald Ford was a modest person. He would create the Warren Commission to investigate the Watergate Scandal. He will pardon Nixon for the Watergate Scandal and many people questioned his decision. By doing so it added more distrust the people had for Washington D.C and their government. Though he thought that by pardoning Nixon it would help the people get over the scandal. Many people believed that this was another scandal and that Nixon and Ford made a deal with each other.
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  • Lewinski Affair

    Lewinski Affair
    During his second term, President Clinton will have an affair with one of the White House interns a woman named, Monica Lewinski. A prosecutor named Kenneth Star will hear about the affair through a female civil servant. The media will hear the story and President Clinton will deny the affair. And tells Star that he did nothing wrong. The House of Representatives will impeach Clinton for lying under the oath and obstuction of justice.Though the House did not get 2/3 of the votes neeeded.
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  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    In August 2005, one of the worst natural disasters will occur, Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 hurricane, the worst of the worst. It will devastate areas from the coast of Texas all the way to Florida. Most of the devastation though as in New Orleans but it wasn't during the Hurricane it was after. In New Orleans there was a levee system that had held the water back to keep it from flooding the city. Though after the hurricane the levve will break flooding the entire city.