Unknown 7

DC US History Letu Timelines: 1921-1941

  • Warren G. Harding Becomes President

    Warren G. Harding Becomes President
    Warren G. Harding is elected and becomes the 29th President of the United States until his death in 1923.
  • Calvin Coolidge Steps Up to the Presidency

    Calvin Coolidge Steps Up to the Presidency
    Calvin Coolidge becomes the 30th President of the United States.
  • The Immigration Act of 1924

    The Immigration Act of 1924
    This act restricted the number of immigrants permitted into the United States through a national quota.
    (Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNGJ-dPVQNM)
  • The Scopes Trial

    The Scopes Trial
    The Scopes Trial, was the prosecution of educator John Scopes, for showing and teaching evolution in a Tennessee school, which a bill had made unlawful. (Link to Video: https://answersingenesis.org/scopes-trial/)
  • Herbert Hoover Becomes President

    Herbert Hoover Becomes President
    Herbert Hoover becomes the 31st President of the United States. Many Democrats end up blaming him for the Great Depression.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected and becomes the 32nd President of the United States.
  • National Socialist German Workers Party

    National Socialist German Workers Party
    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. His party, the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party, takes power and Hitler essentially becomes the dictator of Germany. His party was a political group made to lead laborers and workers away from communism. Adolf Hitler joined the group and became its leader in its establishing year and started his authoritarian rule known as the Third Reich. It later manifested itself into the Nazi party.
  • The Beginning of World War II

    The Beginning of World War II
    Germany invades Poland. As a result, World War II begins. (Link to Video: https://www.britannica.com/video/180225/Overview-invasion-German-Poland-World-War-II)
  • France and Britain Declare war on Germany

    France and Britain Declare war on Germany
    After Germany invades Poland, France and Britain realize how dire their situations are and declare war
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    Germany using Blitzkrieg in the Battle of France

    Germany utilizes quick, brisk strikes called Blitzkrieg (which means lightning war) to assume control over much of western Europe, including the Netherlands, Belgium, and northern France. (Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bClvk6T_CYQ)
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    German Air Attacks and the Battle of Britain

    Germany dispatches an air assault on Britain. These assaults last until the end of October and are known as the "Battle of Britain." (Video Link:https://www.britannica.com/video/22972/air-ground-Battle-of-Britain-documentary-The-June-1940)
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attack the United States' Naval forces in Pearl Harbor. The following day the United States enters World War II on the same side as the Allies.