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Danielle + Tony

  • @TonyMazur first tweets @DCapriato

    He sent her the music video for "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit, because it had been stuck in her head. Tony thought Danielle liked good music, because she pretty much does.
  • Period: to

    The beginning of their relationship

  • Danielle and Tony meet at an Indians game.

    They talked for several innings while Danielle's friends worried. Tony was covering the game. Danielle's friend won seat upgrades, and they watched the game from 25 rows behind home plate. The Indians won in dramatic fashion. Danielle's roommate, Chrissie, won them a trip to Orlando. It was a pretty eventful day.
  • Tony and Danielle's first date

    Another Indians game. Danielle invited Tony, so she obviously wears the pants in the relationship.
  • Tony finally works up the nerve to kiss Danielle

    Danielle was getting impatient that he was taking so long. She even brought him stuffed shells to try to impress him. They played putt-putt, he kicked her butt at air hockey, and they watched Toy Story 3. Tony also asked her to be his girlfriend, and was surprised when Danielle said yes.
  • Tony says "I love you"

    Tony surprised Danielle with tickets to see Incubus, and dropped the "l-bomb" after the show. It was pretty cute, just like them. Because, I mean, they're pretty darn adorable.