
Let's connect!

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    The History of Social Media

  • The First Step

    The first major platform created was called 'Six Degrees of Separation'. This platform allowed users to create a profile and add other users.
  • Myspace

    In 2003 is when social platforms really kicked off it was within this year that Myspace was created. Like Six Degrees of Separation Myspace allows you to create a profile and add users while also being able to personalize your own page and write to other users.
  • And the rest will follow

    2010 is when dozens of other social media platforms joined the picture. These platforms included flickr (a photo sharing platform), Twitter and Instagram. This is also when blogging started to become a trend where you could regularly update your own page about anything you desire. While all these are considered platforms for social media they don't necessarily operate in the same way. Facebook is renowned for sharing posts about your life while instagram let's you share personal photo's.
  • The Game Changer - Facebook

    The Game Changer - Facebook
    2005 is when Facebook entered the picture. In 2004 it's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, created the platform for Harvard students before it took off to become an international sensation.To date Facebook has over 1.23 billion active monthly users. This is due to the constant updates that are made to facebook to enable for better communication.