
Culture and Currents of Thought

  • Oct 27, 1500


    Their spirituality consists of the shaman who is their priest and medicine man. They also have a strong belief for myths, legends and dreamcatchers. Their social relationships consist of respect for elders, traditions and freedom of action. They are animism which means thet they have a great deal of respect towards the natives. For communation and exchange they had oral traditions, songs and dances and ceremonies.
  • Period: Nov 19, 1500 to

    First Occupants

  • Period: to

    French Regime

  • Divine Right of Kings

    Divine Right of Kings
    King Louis 14th had a lot of power in France but New France suffering because it was not developing its economy or populaiton as well as iroquois attack. Therefore this caused to to act. He first sent a regiment of soldiers. He also ended the system of private companies and instead replaced it with the Minister of Marines who at the time was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Together they implemented the Royal Governemnt in 1663.
  • Catholicism

    The Clergy played a big role in the life of New France. The Church was very powerful and if one did not obey their rules they were to be excommunicated. Priests were pariches and missionaries. Nuns worked in hospitals and n schools. Potential priests were trained in a seminary and only the brightest boys were sent. The church tax was called the tithe. The Church was in charge of education.
  • Liberalism

    Political and social philosophy allowing the freedom of the induvidual.The government garantees the individual rights and civil liberties. Diffusion of liberal ideas were by the means of newspapers and there was th development of parliamentarism.
  • The Independent Spirit and Adaptability of the Canadiens

    The Independent Spirit and Adaptability of the Canadiens
    Settlers lived happy lives but had to work hard ( caring for crops and making clothes). They became independent because New France was not really developping. The life there was very different than in New France. They became so autonomous and were called Canadien. They stayed in NF after the British Conquest. The reasons they became independent was because the King was so far away from them and did not have much control and they were influenced by independent the lifestyle of the Natives.
  • Period: to

    British Rule

  • Government Function

    Government Function
    There was a Constitutional Moncarchy and a Parlimentary Democracy meaning that the Queen and Governor General only had symbolic power and that laws had to be passed through the parliment. There were Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments which were either executive, legislative or judicial.
  • Ultramontanism

    The Roman Catholic Church is in favor and has an increase in power and authority. Advocating of absolute obedience to the catholic religion. As well as the church seeking to increase and extending the influence in all the spheres.
  • Anticlericalism

    The opposition of the influence of the church in public affairs. Advocating the seperation of the church and state. Instead of having the church in chage, the democratic regime is in favor. Anticlericalism is the opposite of ultramonanism.
  • Imperialism

    Being loyal to the mother country/ metropolis. Therefore extending the rule and authority of the mother country to the colonie. For example being loyal to Britan and living in Canada.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

  • Capitalism

    Capitalism is when the individual decides/control/choose what you need, control your economy and choose what you want to do. Private companies that invest in an ownership of means of production, ditrubution and exchage of wealth. This practically means doing whatever will make you the most money.
  • Socialism

    This is in favor of the whole community. Social organization that encourages the ownership of production in the whole community. This is for the advantage of the whole community.
  • Agriculturism

    The encouragement of farmers/faming. The rural valorisation, community and parish life. Duplessis really liked agriculturism.
  • Nationalism

    One's devotion to their own nation and intrests over those of other nations. For example those in Canada who decided not to follow Britan (their mother country) were considered nationalist.
  • Laicism

    The nonclerical, secular control of political and social institutions in society. The influence of the church was extremely strong considering the bishops became very powerful.
  • Cooperatism

    Different groups who were in favor of equality and collaboration such as the Catholic Union of Cultivators. When different companies came together and sold to other companies together to make sure they would all profit.
  • Fascism

    The impact of a Dicator qho is in control of the entire country. These leaders typically rule using propaganda and force. For example, in Germany, by the Nazi's lead by Adolf Hitler.
  • Feminism

    The role of woman increased. They earned more rights. World War one was what gave the woman this oppurtunity due to the fact that all them me were at war therefore the woman started working. This obtained them the right to vote in federal election.
  • Americanism

    The Americans influence through the media and the emergence of American cultural trends. Such as dance, music and spread of American culture through films, radio and television
  • Neoliberalism

    This is considered a new wave of government. It is a hands off governement that encourages the removal of the state in many spheres. This also advocates the oppisition to socialist groups wanting to maintain intervention of the state.
  • Aboriginalism

    The claims for old rights as well recognition of aboriginal identity through traditional culture. The Mohawk warriors had a problem in 1990 because a golf course wanted to expand its 9 holes on the native land. The natives military got organized therefore the Canadian Forces were called to handle the situation. This lasted 78 days.