Culture and Currents of Thought

By MBailet
  • 1500


    The natives had a strong belief in Animism. They believed that all things had souls and should, therefore, is sacred and should be respected. They took only what they needed to survive and when they did in turn, kill an animal, they would thank it and worship it for its sacrifice.
  • 1500

    Communication and Social Relationships Among natives

    Communication and Social Relationships Among natives
    The natives who did not know how to read or write had the oral tradition. This meant that all their information was passed through songs, stories and myths. They respected their elders heavily and had freedom of actions, no laws and no private properties.
  • 1500

    Spirituality among Natives

    Spirituality among Natives
    They had shamans who would either play the role of Priest or medicine man. The priest intercepts dreams and was responsible for understanding their meaning. Shamans were also doctors/Medicine men and would gather usefull plants and use them as medecine. Dream catchers would be hung over beds of people with bad dreams in order to catch the bad dreams and have them burn in the daylight.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Culture and Currents of Thought

  • Cultural Interactions between The Natives and The French

    Cultural Interactions between The Natives and The French
    The Natives and the French were partners in trade (The natives would trade for metallic objects with the French).The French consider the Natives lifestyle and culture as simplistic so they sent missionairys to convert them to catholism.
  • Divine Right of kings

    Divine Right of kings
    The divine right of kings means that the ruler received their power directly from God and was, therefore, his representative. For this reason, the church and the king worked as one. The king was all powerfull and nobody dared question him.
  • Catholicism

    During the French Regime, The church was extremely influential on overall ideas and culture. they were responsible for education, healthcare and converting the Amerindians to Catholicism. The Catholic church therefore, had the most control over the population.
  • Life in New France

    Life in New France
    Settlers of the territory led happy lives but were forced to do hard work like Caring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools and preparing for winter. There were very rich people living there but, there were also many poor people living there. Due to New France not developping, settlers were forced to become self dependant.
  • Nobility in New France

    Nobility in New France
    In New France, there were three different types of people:
    -Rich: were the noble and Elite. These were the people who were related to the king or just had a lot of money.
    -Middle Class: The Middle class were the Bourgeoisie these people were in charge of the church
    -Poor: were the farmers and they farmed all day and really just associated with each other.
  • Anticlericalism

    Anticlericalism is the opposite of ultramontanism. They refuse the "Old Ways" and don't want the Church to have so much control in the society. They want the government and church to be separated and wanted a more democratic way of life.
  • Ultramontanism

    People under this belief wanted the Church and State to stay united, giving the church power. The Church rejected nearly all ideas related to liberalism and socialism. The Church had heavy influence in society and was therefore plagued by people of anticlerical beliefs.
  • Liberalism

    It is a philosophy promoting the freedom of individuals. It means that you were free to do anything you desired as long as it was within the law. People have the right to think freely about religious, economic, cultural and political aspects.
  • Imperialism

    The policy of having the rule of an empire or nation extends to its colonies and separate colonies. In Canada, many people were proud to be a British colony. Therefore, imperialism means that those people believed that Canada should maintain and reinforce its ties to Great Britain.
  • Capitalism

    Capitalism is the current of thought that encourages the concentration of wealth and the control of production by other, smaller groups of people. Capitalism only benefits the rich so basically the english business class.
  • French Canadian nationalism

    French Canadian nationalism
    The French Canadians wanted to identify themselves and not support Britain. They wanted to be their own nation and not just some British colony. They wanted to protect French language, education, and rights through means of advocates like Henri Bourassa and newspapers like Le Devoir
  • English Canadian Nationalism

    English Canadian Nationalism
    They supported the way of life like the politics, rights, and language. Despite all this, this wanted Canada to become an independent country and seperate from britain.
  • Agriculturalism

    Supported farmers and the practice of overall farming. It sparked interest to write many novels about the rural farming lifestyle such as Un homme et son péché, Maria Chapdeleine and Le Survenant. It was also the creation of community groups such as Le Cercle des fermières who spread their ideas through a magazine.
  • Feminism (Before WWI)

    Feminism (Before WWI)
    Women were forced to lead hard lives. They were always womanized, were second priority to men and had harder times finding work. They usually married young and had many children to take care of as they usually stayed at home.
  • Feminism (After WW1)

    Feminism (After WW1)
    WW1 opened many doors for women. Since the men were all at war, it gave them the opportunity to get serious working jobs and vote, which in turn, showed people that they could do work just as good as men could. As a result, the working conditions for women became much better and they gained the right to vote.
  • Rise of Secularism

    Rise of Secularism
    This current of thought believed in the separation of Church and State. People of this belief thought that the Church should not be the ones controlling society and should remain as a stricktly spiritual establishment.
  • Facism

    Fascism is the idea that there's a dictator (one all-powerful person) who controls an entire country. The dictatorship runs by means of propaganda or force. This political practice was adopted by both Italy and Spain.
  • Americanism

    Americanism is the when American culture and trends started to influence the world (this included Canada). The Americans influenced Canada with their dance (Charleston), their music (Jazz) and through films, radio and television. The church dissaproved of these american tendencies and tried to bring back more traditional ways.
  • Cooperatism

    Strong belief in equality and collaboration, which means sharing and cooperation. There were American Unions who supported this belief like the Knights of Labor, the Caisses Populaires, Catholic Union of Cultivators
  • Aboriginalism

    Getting proper rights and recognition for aboriginals. This was done through traditional cultures such as education and languages. They wanted the government of Canada to recognize their rights and consider their point of view, interests and cultural characteristics.
  • Neoliberalism

    This current of thought promotes the sharing of power between the State and the government. They didn't want the State to intervene in economic matters.
  • Issues with the natives (Mohawks)

    Issues with the natives (Mohawks)
    It was essentially a standoff against the native militants and the Canadian armed forces. This is because Oka golf course wanted to expand its grounds but was stopped by the roadblocks set up on the border of their native reserve. The standoff lasted 78 days and luckily there was no armed combat.