
Cosmic Calendar

By sfenton
  • The Big Bang

    The Big Bang
    10^-43 s: Space-time is generated. Quarks are formed.
  • Period: to

    Cosmic Calendar

    You are to create a timeline condensing the 13By history of the universe into 1 calendar year, e.g. 1 January 12am - The Big Bang up to December 31st 12am - present day. MUST include 20 different events.
  • Inflation after the Big Bang

    10^-35 - 10^-33 s: Infinitely hot and dense speck of energy begins to inflate. Expansion period ends.
  • Fundamental Particles Are Formed

    Fundamental Particles Are Formed
    10^-33 - 10^-12s: Quarks, electrons, leptons, photons, and neutrinoes are formed
  • Sub-atomic Particles Are Formed

    10^-10 - 10^-4s: As cooling continues, protons and neutrons are formed from fundamental particles.
  • Formation of Nucleus of Basic Elements

    Formation of Nucleus of Basic Elements
    10^-4s - 3min: Protons and neutrons begin to clump together to form the nuclei of basic elements (H, He, Li).
  • Atoms Begin to Form

    Atoms Begin to Form
    3 hours: The universe has cooled enough for electrons to join with nuclei to form stable atoms.
  • End of the "Dark Era"

    End of the "Dark Era"
    300, 000 years: "Dark Era" ends and Cosmic Microwave Background (CBM) radiation is created.
  • Formation of Stars

    Formation of Stars
    300, 000 years: Particles are drawn together by gravity to form density "bumps", clusters heat up becoming more dense creating a star.
  • Formation of Stars and Galaxies

    Formation of Stars and Galaxies
    400, 000 million years: Over time stars begin to gravitate towards each other to form galaxies.
  • Formation of HD 140283

    800, 000 million years: Formation of the oldest star in the Milky Way Galaxy, HD 140283.
  • Formation of Heavier Elements

    1-4 billion years: Heavier elements have begun to form from old stars.
  • Beginning of the Current Milky Way

    Approx. 1 billion years: Milky Way Galaxy, as we know it today, is formed (No new collisions with other galaxies).
  • Formation of our Sun

    5 billion years: The creation of our sun and solar system.
  • Evolution of our solar system

    Evolution of our solar system
    9 bllion years: Evolution of our solar system.
  • Formation of the Earth

    10.5 billion years: The Earth is formed by accretion from the solar nebula.
  • Earliest Life

    10 billion years: Earliest signs of life on our planet
  • Earliest Evidence of Mammals

    12 billion years: Earliest evidence of mammals on Earth
  • Extinction of Dinosaurs

    14.8 billion years: Dinosaurs become extinct
  • Evolution of Homosapiens

    14.999 billion years: Homosapiens evolve from previous ancestors.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    15 billion years: The recent past and life as we know it... Generally boring...