Contemporary American Society

By Seirra1
  • HUAC Investigation

    HUAC Investigation
    Its goal was to explore possible Communist influence in the American film industry.
  • The Smith Act

    The Smith Act
    Made it a crime to overthrow the US Government or to belong to an organization that did so.
  • Soviet Union Possess Atomic Bomb

    Soviet Union Possess Atomic Bomb
    While flying over the North Pacific Ocean, U.S. aircraft picked up signs of unusual radioactivity in the atmosphere. In September, Truman issued a statement that confirmed that the Soviet Union had "denotated" an atomic bomb.
  • Senator Joseph McCarthy

    Senator Joseph McCarthy
    McCarthy delievered a speech before a republican women's group, discussing the dangers of communisum
  • The McCarran Act

    This act required Communist orgaizations register with the government and establish a special board to investigate communist involvment
  • New Highways

    New Highways
    During the 1950s the US launched a building project: the interstate highway system.
  • Television

    Coast-to-coast LIVE television is broadcasted!
  • New Bombs

    New Bombs
    They sucessfully made a weapon that could more easily be delievered to enemy targets.
  • NASA

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The civil rights act forbidded discrimination of all sorts