Constitution Timeline

  • Declaration of Rights and Grievances is Passed

    Declaration of Rights and Grievances is Passed
    Document created by the Stamp Act Congress, declaring that taxes imposed on British colonist without their formal consent were unconstitutional.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A direct action by colonist in Boston a town in the British colony of Massachusetts against the British government and the monopolistic East India Company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies.
  • First Continental Congress Meets

    First Continental Congress Meets
    A convention of delegates from twelve british north American colonies that met at Carpenters' Hall in Philedelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution.
  • Revolutionary War Begins

    the Americans were angry, they did not like to pay high taxes to the king of England.. they wanted to be free from England. The Americans started a war with England and it was called the Revolutionary War.
  • 2nd Continental Congress Meets

    A more radical and distinguished group than the 1st continental congress. This group becomes the Defacto Governement of the United States during the war untill the articles of conferetation are adopted in 1781.
  • Declaration of Independence is Signed

    Declaration of Independence is Signed
    it was written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the 2nd continental congress states the reason the british colonies of North America sought independence.
  • Articles of Confederation Signed

    The represenativesof the 13th states agreed to create a confederacy called the United States of American, each state maintanied its own sovereighty and all rights to govern.
  • Revolutionary War Ends

    The Revolutionary war ended withthe british general cornwallis surrendering to patriots and a french navy that had him surrounded at Yorktown, he signed the Declaration giving us independence.
  • Final draft of the Constitutional is signed

    Final draft of the Constitutional is signed
  • Constitutional Congress Opens

    This included 55 delegates who drafted included many of the founding fathers of the nation.