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Conquest of the West

  • Discoveries of large amounts of gold and silver

    Discoveries of large amounts of gold and silver
    There was a finding of cold in Calforina by people in oregon.This made all kinds of people flock to calforina to try and find gold.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    encourged western migration by providing 160 acres of land. This was a better way of dealing with the indians instaed of killing them.
  • Growth of new towns and cities to support cattle, mining, and farming industries

    Growth of new towns and cities to support cattle, mining, and farming industries
    40,000 cowboys took there herd cattle through a 700 mile trip.They did this because they could make more money off there cattle.
  • Transcontinental railroad system

    Transcontinental railroad system
    The very long railroad was comleted.The railroad made it easyer to transport goods and people across the country quickly.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire
    Helped protect farmers and Goverment poperty. The bob wire was a good way of telling people that it was private property.
  • Shift from “long drive” to “cattle ranching”

    Shift from “long drive” to “cattle ranching”
    The cowboys took the herd into kansas so they could make more profit.Once they got to kansas they switdched to cattle ranching.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    Jesse James robed stage Coaches banks and trains. Jesse james was wild and would rob anyone to make some money.
  • Wild West Shows

    Wild West Shows
    It was a show where they showed the real wild west. The real wild west was coming to a close.
  • Dawes Act Of 1886

    Dawes Act Of 1886
    The Americans took land from the Native americans. It gave land to the indeans so they can contiue there way of life.
  • Exinction of buffalo in 1800s

    Exinction of buffalo in 1800s
    Traverls would shoot the buffalo for food to surive and for their fur.The buffalo almost went exinct becasuse there was such a high demand.