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    The first generation computers used Vacuum Tubes, a device that consist on a glass bulb and wire.
    These computers were very large, expensive and need a hug amounts of electricity.
  • THE ENIAC (1. generation event):

    The ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was one of the first generation computers.
    As dscribed before, it was very big and used a huge amount of electricity. It was made by John Presper and John William. It was made for military service.
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    Between these years second generation computers were developed. They used transistors, devices that are smaller than vacuum tubes.
    These computers were much smallers and, also, faster and cheaper.
  • THE IBM 700/7000 SERIE (2. generation):

    The IBM 700/7000 series is a series of large-scale computer systems that were made by IBM through the 1950s and early 1960s. 700s use vacuum tube logic and were made obsolete by the introduction of the transistorized 7000s.
  • THE IBM 360 (3.generation):

    The IBM System/360 (S/360) is a family of mainframe computer systems that was announced by IBM on April 7, 1964.
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    Third generation computers were developed between 1965 and 1975.
    In this generation of computers Integrated Circuits (IC) were introduced. They are as small as transistors, but an integrated circuit works just as fast as many transistors. This device made 3. generation computers faster, cheaper and smaller than the second generation.
  • INTEL 4004 CHIP, FIRST MICROPROCESSOR (4.generation):

    The Intel 4004 is a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU) released by Intel Corporation in 1971.
    It was the first commercially available microprocessor by Intel, and the first in a long line of Intel CPUs.
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    During these years the fourth generation computers were developed. They use a small silicon chip with thousands of circuits on it, called microprocesors.
    Thanks to this device, the computers were smaller portable and cheaper, and also used less electricity and produced less heat.

    PSI is a personal computer system being developed as a tool for providing researchers with an efficient programming environment.
    It directly supports logic programming language, KL0 (Fifth Generation Kernel Language, Version 0), with firmware and hardware.
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    This generation of computers will be the future, thats why the fifth geneation computers are the most advanced ones.
    Nowadays, scientist are trying to develop Artificial Intelligence, that is to say computers that can think on their own.
    This intelligence is including in robots, for use them in different companies.