
how computers have changed over time

By 26055
  • the first adder is invented

    the first adder is invented
    George Stibitz invents a device the model K provides proof to the Boolean logic
  • the complex number calculator (cnc)

    the complex number calculator (cnc)
    the CNC is made based of the adder made by George Stibitz.
  • curta calculator

    curta calculator
    curt Herzstark creates the portable and light wight curta calculator
  • first computer

    first computer
    ENIAC was the first computer made by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
  • the first computer program is ran

    the first computer program is ran
    the first computer program is ran off of new memory technology
  • the keyboard is invented

    the keyboard is invented
    the keyboard is invented by Doug Ross
  • first computer sold to the public

    first computer sold to the public
    various versions of the apple 2 are sold to the public
  • the first portable computer

    the first portable computer
    Osborne 1 is the first portable computer
  • the Powermac G5 is released

    the Powermac G5 is released
    the first 64-bit personal computer
  • the apple watch

    the apple watch
    one of the most advanced personal computers to this day