Computer programming timeline

By zoefach
  • Fortran

    Named was changed from all caps to caps because of the meaning, used in the computationally intensive areas. Created by John W. Backus
  • Math-Matics

    Math-Matic was a model where people would build with other sources input. A groupe being led by Charles Katz were the ones to create this program.
  • Cobol

    Created by Grace Hopper, This was to inspire people.
  • Basic

    'Basic stands for 'beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code' created by John George Kemeny and Thoman Eugene Kertz, this program gave the computer access to any non-science students.
  • LOGO

    The 'Logo' program was made for educational use , and it was named after the greek rootword 'logos' meaning 'word'. Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon were the ones to create this program.
  • Pascal

    Created by Niklaus Wirth that is intended to encourage correct programming practices. This programming was named for a French mathematician/philosopher Blaise Pascal.
  • C

    Designed for implementing system softward by Dennis Ritchie. This was named 'C' because of the earlier language named 'b'
  • SQL

    Donald D Chamberlin and Raymond F Boyce were the creators of 'SQL' named because they couldn't name it 'SEQUEL' because it was a trademark of the UK based Hawker Siddeley company that created aircrafts. But this program was designed to manage dada in RDBMS
  • ADA

    Jean Ichbiah led a team who had been under contract to the USDD (united states department of defense) This course was named after Ada Lovelace and created to support explicit concourency.
  • C++

    First created in 1979, the name was later changed in 1983.
    Created by Bjarne Stroustrup and was used for hardware design. This name shows the changes from 'c'
  • Java

    Created by James Gosling as a core component of 'Sun Microsystems' Java Platform. Also it was origionally designed for interactive television. Named after Java coffee, many claimed that it would be taken in, in mass quantities by the creators.
  • Visual Basic

    This program was created by alan cooper, He combined a visual part of it to the EB program which he then named it somewhat after the original with his ‘visual’ part being the name. It enables the RAD of GUI applications to get into the databases