Computer Programming Languages

  • Plankalkul

    Konrad Zuse 1943-1945 server script
  • Fortran

    Formula Translation John Backus 1950’s complex scientific calculations and engineering models

    MATH-MATIC Charles Katz 1957 AT-3 complier market name
  • RPG

    IBM 1959 Report Program Generator replicates punched card processing

    Common Business-Oriented Language, 1960 Department Of Defense, designed to meet the needs of manufacturers
  • Lisp

    Mcarthy 1960’s interpreters or compliers

    John Kemeny & Thomas Kurtz, 1965 numeric and array data types no strings or objects
  • LOGO

    Papert 1967 primarily for education purposes

    Niklaus Wirth 1968 computer science education
  • B

    Ken Thompson with Dennis Ritchie 1969 system and language software
  • ML

    Milner and Tofte 1980’s usually interpreters
  • ADA

    Jean Ichibah 1983 Pascal-like syntax
  • SQL

    SQL Structured Query Language Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce 1986 Widely used database language
  • C

    Ritchie and Thompson 1990 support for system programming
  • Python

    G. van Rossum 1991 object oriented language
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic Microsoft 1991 easy to learn and allows simple and complex programs
  • Java

    Java Sun Micro Systems 1994 portable object oriented language
  • Javascript

    Javascript Netscape Communications Corp 1994 loose type scripting language
  • Delphi

    Borland 1995 Database connectivity for programmers
  • PHP

    R. Lerdorf 1995 server side script
  • C++

    Bjarne Stoustrup 1997 support for C but eventually became its own language