
Computer Proggraming

  • Plankalkul

    Plankalkul stansd for plan caculus and was designed for engineering purposes
  • Fortran

    Fortran was derived form the IBM mathematical FORmula TRANslating system. And dominated its are of science and math

    was created to be an improvement over FORTRAN
  • LISP

    Lisp was created for mainly mathematical purposes

    One of the oldest computer languages and was used in businesses. COBOL stands for COmmon Business-Oriented Language
  • RPG

    RPG stands for Report Prograqm Generator and is mainly used in businesses

    BASIC stands for Beginers All-puropse Symbolic Instruction Code
  • LOGO

    is used mainly in education and was adapeted from LISP
  • B

    B was developed at Bell Labs and was eventually superseded by C
  • Pascal

    a very basic language that promoted data structure
  • C

    C is a widespread computer language that was developed at AT&T Bell Labs
  • ML

    created to develope proof tactics
  • SQL

    SQL stand sfor structured Query Language is a programming language created for use with databases
  • ADA

    the ADA proggraming language was named after Ada Lovelace who is credited with being the first Programmer and was used by the United States Department of Defense
  • C++

    C++ was originally called C with classes but was renamed to C++ because of a pun including the plus sign
  • Delphi

    Delphi is named after its creator Embarcaro Delphi and was and extension ofPascal used at Apple Computers
  • Python

    Python is an easy to use programming language that is said to be very easy to read and interpet
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Visual Basic was designed to eb easy to use and simple
  • JavaScript

    Javascript was influenced by C and is used by many applications
  • Java

    was influenced by C and C++ and was built to allow developers to Write Once and Run Anywhere (WORA)
  • PHP

    PHP used to stand for Personal Home Page it now stands for Php: Hypertext Preprocessor Used for webpages
  • Visual Basic(.NET)

    Visual Basic(.NET)
    Visual Basic.NET (the succesor to Visual Basic) the .NET was included because it was built on microsofts .NET Framework and is now referred to simply as Visual Basic. It is Object Oriented programming