Computer Advancement 1990-2000


    Linux was a free operating system created as a hobby by Linus Torvalds. He wrote the program while studying Computer Science so that he could use it on his new PC. Linus had no idea the impact his hobby would have on the world. Linux can be found today in light bulbs, cars, TVs, and even phones, just a few examples.
  • WINDOWS 95 and IE 1.0

    WINDOWS 95 and IE 1.0
    Microsoft had stepped their Windows game up by releasing WIN 95 which became the dominant desktop environment for years to come. WIN 95 was the first version to include IE, also known as Internet Explorer. IE became a dominant browser as well for over a decade.

    Palm, a company founded by Jeff Hawkins, released the first successful handheld PDA. It was small enough to fit in a pocket and fast enough to be efficient. The pilot was able to synchronize with a PC and be the on-the-go version of the PC.
  • USB

    Ajay Bhatt who was working for Intel created the USB system. USB is used on billions of different devices all over the world. Since Intel made is open and royalty-free any company that develops a product can have it use a USB plug.

    Ph. D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin created the google search engine. They originally started it as a research project to find relevant search results using a mathematical algorithm, PageRank. This algorithm analyzed relationships between webpages based on their cross-references which assessed their importance.